So, what is this for? After numerous conversations with a lot - TopicsExpress


So, what is this for? After numerous conversations with a lot of people across the spectrum, Ive come to the growing realisation we need to have YES alliance for 2015. Im not the only one that thinks that way, obviously. But we need an umbrella organisation. Like YES Scotland - something that can act as the overarching thing all the groups crowd under and get behind. So why For Scotland? Why not the various 45, #45, 45+ etc. groups? Firstly, 45%, whilst a badge of honour for many of us, is NOT inclusive. It excludes those who are not original YES voters. The very people we are seeking to convert! Secondly, it also has some unpleasant connotations in the minds of some with the 45 Rebellion etc. Some wounds are best left unpicked. So why not just stick with YES? YES Scotland was TREMENDOUS. It outgrew the mere legal necessity, and became a movement. One we now need to make fit-for-purpose again after the sad events of the 18th. We need, as a movement, to accept we lost. The country voted NO. For fair reasons or foul, we didnt carry the day. The new movement we must found, needs to be free of that. It needs to say quite clearly, as clearly as YES Scotland did, what it is for. It is For Scotland. We shall campaign, endorse, and possibly even seek primaries, for candidates for the 2015 General Elections. A tremendous amount MUST be done very quickly. Local YES organisations must continue, and indeed grow. We must get elected MPs across the country who unambiguously stand for what the people of Scotland voted for - devolution MAX. We must send them to London with a mandate from the people, to ensure we GET Devo-Max. We must ensure that we sweep away the unionist parties who are already backtracking on their false promises, and will do everything they can to not deliver any real devolution for Scotland. We seek to legally found the group as a limited company as soon as possible, with directors taken by invite from ALL the national yes groups and parties. If this group does not become that standard bearer - if another such alliance does, then we shall immediately fold and offer that group our full-throated passionate support. Because this is not about egos or hegemony, but about getting that change for Scotland. I ask you all for your support. For Scotland. Yours Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:05:17 +0000

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