So what would make a man preach for over 60 years and in his old - TopicsExpress


So what would make a man preach for over 60 years and in his old age, still feel impressed to shared the same sermon. Larry King once asked him, How do you come up with all those sermons? His response, I just preach the same message over and over.. This man is not just an evangelist, not just an preacher of the gospel, not just a man of the cloth, but a great grandfather, grandfather, father, family member and friend. He share in OKC in 1956 and both my grandfather and grandmother went forward to an invitation as they sang Just As I Am. Later my own Dad would come to know Christ and I would eventually follow this same sermon he preached. My sons, whom I baptized both at Council Road followed the same sermon he preached and four generations later, spanning all these years, my sons are in the ministry and preparing for the ministry to preach the same sermon. Would you like to know the sermon? Here is the sermon that changed our worlds. God loves you. More than you know. He gave His Son for you willingly. He wants you to know Him and to have a real relationship with Jesus. If you will ask forgiveness for every sin in your life, you will be saved. You will have eternal life and live forever in Heaven when you die. This is the prayer that can change your life he would pray as others bowed their heads and sang the song. Dear Lord, I come to you right now and ask that you forgive me of every sin in my life. I know that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose from the dead. I am asking for you to come in to my life and save me. I give my life to you and its in your name, the name of Christ I pray, Amen. One of the shortest messages called The Good News and at 96 on his birthday this great man of faith is still preaching the same message. He is our friend, he is our mentor, he is a hero but he doesnt see himself as anything but a mere man. When you are in his presence, you feel as if you are with Moses, with Paul and near something wonderfully brilliant. When he takes your hand to pray for you, you know his words are sincere, loving and true. He married a woman who was very dear to me, Ruth. She was funny, she was just a brilliant, loving, kind and thoughtful woman. Thank you for being my friend Ruth Graham and for inviting me into your home, even when the airline lost my bags and clothes. Thank you for sharing your husbands clothes with me. Thank you for making me laugh and having such a beautiful family who have become my dearest friends. Thank you for being my friend Dr. Billy Graham and giving me personal advice with your pastor. Thank you for loving our family and praying for them. I especially want to thank one of the closest friends I have in the world, Gigi Graham and Jimmy for being so dear to me and my family. Gigi, thank you for sharing all your wonderful children, grandchildren and precious family members. I so deeply love and pray for Stephan Tchividjian Antony Tchividjian and so many of the others who have graced my life in beautiful ways. Graham family members, thank you for sharing your father, grandfather and more with the world even when it was a sacrifice. I am humbled to be near such wonderful people in my life like the Graham family. The relationships I have are so important to me. The pictures I share are part of my joy, but the BEST relationship I have comes from this wonderful 96 year old man who had one sermon to share with the world and he just kept sharing it. He didnt waiver in his message, never compromises in his belief and always stayed true to the spirit in which he shared, a spirit of true humility and love. He, like all of us are just an imperfect man, but he was and always will be, a hero of mine. This sounds strange, but if ever there was a human I would want to be pure like, it would be him. I love you Dr. Graham and thank you for loaning me your pajamas. Im glad I got them back to you and if you want, you can blame Ruth. : ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY....
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 00:45:19 +0000

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