So whats the aim of the game here. The other side, your - TopicsExpress


So whats the aim of the game here. The other side, your occupier, and it is difficult to say who they are, but only have to look at the most powerful or wealthy to see its only a few, trick you into VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE. You are treated as the lowest TITLE in a MILITARY JURISDICTION, that of the ADMIRALTY. This is now the realms of INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE known as SECURITIES. How do you stop this SERVITUDE? This is the trick, a mind play, everything is a mind game. ITS VOLUNTARY. You must consent. They do this with their SECRET SOCIETIES and LANGUAGE. Words have varying meanings to which you cant define within a court of law, you are not of the BAR, not educated and certified to practice these STATECRAFTS. Removing CONSENT which is usually given in ignorance or silence can be difficult, but our forefathers with Queen Victoria Reginae left you a key in your Preamble in its first paragraph. Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established: RELYING ON THE BLESSING OF ALMIGHTY GOD UNDER THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND INDISSOLUBLE FEDERAL COMMONWEALTH You know who you are, and at whos blessing this occurred. Looking at the Hague Convention IV War on Land. You can see that this estate is OCCUPIED and under TREATIES. Treaties caused a Last Sitting of the Peoples Parliament Sine Die and Treaties supercede ANY LAWS of the Occupiers Parliament as these treaties allow them occupation in USUFRUCT. SLAVERY is against the Criminal Code 1995 and the Crimes Act 1914. Your PUBLIC SERVANTS, de jure or de facto, are without Law when it comes to slavery. You are VOLUNTEERING. So here in lies your answer. Queen Victoria at Coronation, over the Stone of Scone or Joseph Stone whilst heading the Imperial Crown kissed the King James Bible 1611 Authorised Edition for Use in Churches presented to her by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Queen Victoria taking on the role of Defender in Faith and vesting the Laws of God through his Last Will and Testament as the Laws of that Estate by Grace of God. This book states that one is under the Grace of God, and not the Rule of Law. This book also states that the Royal Laws are the Scriptures and one is not to be a respecter of Persons. It says give back to Rome what is Romes and to God what is Gods. You are in usufruct of Gods Estate. This book says let my yess be yes, and my nos be no and that I shalt not swear on God or his Will. It also states that I take on the New Testament, making it my Will and Testament, Testator to the Deceased Person. Your SERVANTS ARE UNDER LAW. You ARE UNDER GRACE. BY GOD IS YOUR RIGHT.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:11:13 +0000

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