So, when I say anarchism I dont mean Johnny Rotten screaming Get - TopicsExpress


So, when I say anarchism I dont mean Johnny Rotten screaming Get pissed! Destroy!, or Somalia (which is not anarchy, its small feudal chiefdoms)... What I mean is no coercive, hierarchical power structures. Every person in the community that is affected by a decision gets an equal say. No bosses. No rulers. Humans doing their damndest to work shit out without the threat of violence, which is all that states represent: the threat of force as the ultimate means to *make* you do as you are told. Anarchy rejects the use of force by instead aiming for cooperation and consensus- and that cooperative system scales up- every community affected by a large-scale decision gets an equal say/veto. Why should I get a say in how the folks in New Brunswick run their shit? I shouldnt. But *everyone* in NB should, not just a small elite. Another aspect is no permanent bureaucracy or executive- if a task is decided on, the people who will carry it out are chosen and they hold the post only until the task is completed, no longer. If it is an on-going task (road maintenance, garbage removal), the executive for that task is under review constantly and can be recalled immediately on vote of non-confidence. I can actually hear some people wringing their hands and asking what if someone doesnt agree? Well then, it id in everyones interests to find a solution that works for all of the people affected- either address the dissenters concerns or circumvent them by findong a solution that doesnt need to affect or involve them. Town needs a new dump site? Someone vetoes the location because they dont want to be the ones near it? Maybe we need to ask if we would want it near *us*, in their position. We wouldnt? Guess wed better come up with some solutions fast. Is this model comparatively inefficient? Yup. But efficiency is not the most important aspect of running a group. Respect for the rights and dignity of the people in the group is the most important thing. Maximising freedom and autonomy, while ensuring everyone is cared for.. thats the most important function of a society. If efficiency was the be-all/end-all, we should all welcome dictatorship with open arms.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:00:30 +0000

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