So when I was like 22. I took on a personal task of trying to - TopicsExpress


So when I was like 22. I took on a personal task of trying to figure exactly who spoke for God. So many different faiths out there so many different ideals. Are they all right? Do any speak with authority? The first step in this process is figure out and proving what is the doctrine of you faith? What is its orgin? Alot of people get mad at comments I make. I think to my self You know your a Protestant right? That means Protest!!! That is what our faith was built off of. But who were they Protesting against and why were they Protesting against them? These are such important things for you to know. Lets get it!!! For I am a true Protestant tho many of you have forgotten what that means. The word Catholic means universal. The Roman Catholic Church is the Origin of all Christian churches. She is your mother church rather you realize it or not. Many of the ideals and doctrine come not from the Bible but from her. She is split into to side Eastern Orthodoxy and the Vatican . The main difference is the Pope. The Pope is called Vicar of Christ. He is God on Earth to them. He has the ability to forgive sins and in the old days if you didnt go along with him excommunication could happen. Which means kick you out. In this time in the world the person would think they and they family could not get to Heaven. Now take that one step further. If this would happen to a King not only he couldnt get to Heaven but anybody he was Lord over all their families could not get in either. This gave the church tremendous Power. To force Kings to do your bidding. The king of England got into with the Church over this. Becuse he wanted a boy. He kept having girls so he kept killing his wives cause the church would not allow him to divorce. The Church kicked him out. To get the poeple to revolt and remove him. He in turn says bump the church. I will start my own and church. Say Hello to Church of England and the Protestant Movement. Another factor was Martin Luther. He was a Catholic Priest who began to notice the wickedness in the church. Things like indulgences. Where lets say you cheat on your wife. You would Pay a certain amount and your sins would be forgiven. Also at this time only the Priest had Bibles and services was in Latin which none of the people could understand. Could you think of going to church and the pastor speaking another language? The church also did not want the common man getting ahold of the Bible. Martin Luther and others like him fought and many gave their lives for you to have a Bible for it to be in a language you could understand. As the common people got they hands on the Bible and began to read it. They looked to understand why was the church so oppressive of the people. Most of the older churches in Europe if you go into the basement you would torture chambers. People who were found with Bibles or taught against the church were called heretics many would be tourtred or burned alive. The biggest killer of Christians is by far not even close the Roman Catholic church. This is history not my opinion. Looking for hope in Gods world it was agreed that the Whore of Revelation the great false church was none other than the Vatican. I will continue in the comments
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:20:29 +0000

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