So, when they begin to lose, despite their lies, they rally up - TopicsExpress


So, when they begin to lose, despite their lies, they rally up people around them. And one of those people saw fit to attack Susan Hunt yesterday, both privately and publicly. He attacked me as well, but Im tough. I can take it. BUT THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO ATTACK A GRIEVING MOTHER. Some of the things he said, and YES, I do quote: Go to hell you twisted witch and join your son. Theres absolutely no question where and how your son got so screwed up. You are absolutely pathetic, in need of serious therapy, and medication clearly. The media frenzy will die down soon enough, there wont be a jury in this country that would grant you anything, and then you can just disappear and go back to the miserable life youve led and nobody will have to hear your garbage ever again. And my PERSONAL favorite: Good luck, once the media dies down, which wont be long since the truth came out that your son snapped and attacked the cops, and your sad little conspiracy theory friends who are supporting you with the few rallys theyve planned, you will be completely forgotten and so will your son. And that will be largely due to how you and your family have conducted yourselves since this happened... People like you are insignificant and always forgotten once the noise dies down....and thats happening as I type this. Dear CARL SCHAIBLE (yes, that is his name, and YES, please do look him up and tell him how you feel about him attacking a grieving woman, and sending these messages to her), Dude. Pay attention. The media attention is NOT dying down. In fact, the frenzy is whipping UP as they clearly see Cpl Matt Schaurhamer fire BULLETS into the body of Darrien Hunt as he LAYS ON THE GROUND. Or sees him running for his life. This is why they did not release these videos BEFORE the decision of justified. Because they thought they would get away with it, even though people would be pissed. But THIS IS NOT OVER. They were protecting NOTHING but their own bloodthirsty corruption and lies. Schaurhamer will lose everything he has ever wanted or owned, and there will be more criminal charges coming. You see, there is STILL the FBI. And the Federal Government. And other branches of justice. Including our own. You do NOT get to murder a young man, doing nothing wrong, JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU CAN. Schaurhamer has a history, and now he has MURDERED someone. Its all on tape. And he, and everyone who helped him get away with it, will go down with him.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:51:48 +0000

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