So, which do you think would be better-- A Viking-age woman of - TopicsExpress


So, which do you think would be better-- A Viking-age woman of Irish-Norse descent (havent settled on profession-- more than likely a seidhkona/volva). A 14th century French midwife. From what I can see there are lots of people in SCA who play Viking/Norse characters but not many volvas (essentially someone who performs magic and prophesy), and I have heard of very few midwives in any period. I could be a Viking-age midwife, which from what little evidence we have says they worked more along the lines of a spiritual manner [singing runes to bring the baby down, etc] but there are a lot more (particularly period-paintings of midwives in appropriate garb) resources for later-period midwifery for reference. I have a lot of interest in Viking-age culture and religion and the blending of Irish and Viking (I say Viking because there were some coming from Norway and some from Denmark so not all Norse) cultures since it is possibly in my own family line, but I also enjoy the later-period and am training as a midwife in real life so its history is of interest to me. I know some SCA members have more than one persona, but I have no idea how to even go about doing that-- such as when are you which persona?
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:23:15 +0000

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