So, which part of the Bible do you not believe? THE NINE - TopicsExpress


So, which part of the Bible do you not believe? THE NINE COMMANDMENTS Have you heard of the Nine Commandments? Of course not. We all know that they are called the Ten Commandments. But what if you did not believe one of them, wouldn’t that make it nine? What am I talking about? If you read my last post you would know, but if you missed it, I am talking about number four: “[Earnestly] remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (separated for a purpose) [withdrawn from common employment and dedicated to God.] Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord ( יהוה Yehovah) your God … That is why the Lord ( יהוה Yehovah) blessed the Sabbath and hallowed it [set it apart for His purposes.] Amplified Bible with (brackets by me.) In my last post I established that the Sabbath is the seventh day and not the first. You might argue, “Well I keep Sunday as the Sabbath, what’s wrong with that?” Well, the simple answer is this, “Sunday is not the Sabbath nor is it the day which God set aside and blessed as A SABBATH unto Himself.” If I were to follow this line of argument I could just as well say regarding the next commandment, “God says that I should honor and obey my Father and Mother but I think that my teacher is wiser and more godly than they are, I choose to honor and obey him/her instead. What’s wrong with that?” Again the answer is obvious, “That’s not what God commanded.” You see, if you are a believer in Yehovah (God) you can’t pick and choose what you are going to obey and what you are not going to obey. Neither can you change the commandments to suit your lifestyle. No. They are what they are and instead we have to learn HOW to obey them. This will be continued... and I will try to explain some of the questions you might have regarding the Sabbath. In closing let me direct you, again to Leviticus 26 and encourage you to read about the Blessings of obedience to Gods commandments. Shalom!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 21:41:19 +0000

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