So while I was a wee bit on the slow side leaving the house, - TopicsExpress


So while I was a wee bit on the slow side leaving the house, according to my original goal; setting my ipod onto ten minute timers is really helping me tremendously with staying present & also staying significantly more on track (even if not perfectly) .... actually, when I was forced to conform temporarily at the dreaded make-up school (I had already been doing the theatrical type make-up, special effects, face painting, body painting, murals, fine arts, et cetera since 1996 when I went to the make-up school in 2010 I think, I did it as a result of an argument with Ziggy); anyways, they had uniforms and what not, which was quite horrid for me, I tried really hard to be a good sport about it all but I found it rather demoralizing... I intellectually understand what they are trying to achieve, I neither agree nor disagree, officially speaking, (on uniforms) but really, I felt like they were trying to vamp my spirit.... Anyways, during that time, doing all the various drills & what not (it was two courses, one for normal run of the mill beauty make-up skills that you expect from any basic make-up artist, with the second course focusing on film, tv, & theatrical & artistic make-up, oh & photography make-up as well; there are variations on make-up techniques that you do or dont do depending on if its film or photo and of course what with technology changing so much that has also altered how many things are done or even how products are made for film today compared to in the past.... the first half of the second course was all new to me, but the second half of the second course I could have taught and in fact I had some very strong professional differences of opinions with the instructor about many things; after a while she realized my background & true skill, I brought in my book & what not at a certain point & so she started listening more when (I really really truly I swear was being diplomatic) I tried to share some of my experience with her .... she was reluctantly open minded... Errrr so what the hell was my original point to this diatribe? Oh right, I was sharing with facebook land that I am pleased with my progress on my drawing I was working on at the coffee shop & was on such a roll I decided to meander on up to the Mile-end to have a pint of stout & draw some more for around five hours.... I am pleased with my results but am only at this point, Id say approx. 2/3rds of the way through the drawing & I have been working on it since the 13th (at least two hours everyday, if not in fact quite a few sessions of three and four hours each).... I find it interesting how in a busy environment, one I normally find difficult to participate with people in, that I can keep my attention span for such long periods of time for drawing where as at home in my studio I cant for drawing keep my attention span for barely ten minutes....
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:15:04 +0000

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