So, while at this dinner last night at the event, a woman at the - TopicsExpress


So, while at this dinner last night at the event, a woman at the table right next to me choked on her meal. It was horrifying. Really! So, I tried to learn something from it because I felt totally helpless and I hated that feeling so had to do something with my emotions about it. Here is what I came up with! If this ever happens to you or to someone around you: 1. Dont be embarrassed, be loud and act immediately!!! It took the emergency vehicles 12 minutes to arrive. Sorry, but you are dead in 5 minutes or less so those medics are not gonna help! The moment you think you are in trouble grab someone and alert them that you are choking! If someone is around you and choking ask LOUDLY and QUICKLY for doctors or emts in the crowd to come help! Dont be embarrassed! 2. I get that no one wants to panic anyone, but to slowly and quietly go about asking for a Dr in the house when you really only have a 3 minute timeline to save a life is just not smart. You can firmly loudly and confidently ask this without causing a panic. 3. If you arent helping, for gods sake GET OUT OF THE WAY! Just back off and let the people that can help do their work! I couldnt believe the amount of people running over just to gawk at this poor woman. 4. Take a lifesaving skills class ASAP so you wont feel helpless like I did if you are ever around someone and this happens! Its the WORST feeling ever! So, end of story... there were several EMTs and Doctors there that struggled for at least 5 minutes to save her. She was blue and lifeless and it was awful... but they finally dislodged what ever was choking her and she was okay and the emergency vehicles finally arrived and took her away. Alive. Lesson here for me.... dont be embarrassed when these things happen, would you rather be embarrassed? Or dead? I think Ill go with embarrassed! Sorry for the rant... I just cant get it out of my mind!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:28:41 +0000

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