So while timing was never a strength of mine, Ive remained true to - TopicsExpress


So while timing was never a strength of mine, Ive remained true to self and randomly compelled to share the thoughts & inner guidances that have come through my path- and if it resonates with you! Awesome!! So for the past year and half since my darling Dad graduated to our heavenly cosmos, I have been on a most wonderful journey. Stripping back in many forms, materially, financially, emotionally and so forth. Of course the journey is still very much in progress as I write now, but it is alive and it is full of attitude! While challenges of many kinds have crossed my path throughout this time, Ive approached them in ways I would have never done b4, by learning to reach out as a result of learning to go within. I havent diminished in self with my problems, instead Ive expanded in wisdom from them by sharing it with those closest to me, in times where Unifying our wisdom would serve to empower us again. Learning to trust and have faith in the power of unity. And while I still very much attach myself to a few ego driven habits, eg. Straightening my hair, applying eyeliner, taking selfies etc.. my attitude towards self security is now a reflection of the joy I feel inwardly - keep it light, keep it fun, keep it real! Ive struggled like any other with the conditioned mindset of am I fat? am I skinny? am I a failure? Could I have done better? All of which I know full well belongs in the comfort of EGO! Definitely counter-intuitive. We are each sufficient unto ourselves. The way I speak in terms of this new journey is even different, truth be told I hated grammar and having to explain what was going on inside, it seemed like words could never come close to the truth that was. Ive since developed a greater awareness of purpose and recognising in others what I know exists within me including the ugly stuff. Boy has that been difficult, but its loosened the grip of Ego more and more each day. Not afraid to ask questions, and expand possibilities and know that answers are infinite and nothing could ever be concluded as long as perception and relativity exists. Ive often asked myself shit am I sounding all preachy and righteous?? Possibly yes? Possibly no? Does it even matter. Probably not. Have I grown in more ways than I thought possible? Hell yeah!! You see I thought my life path and purpose was always to be a singer/songwriter, I mean it seems like a pretty cool Goal to have? and while I take nothing away from that vision or god given gift, I realise now that Ive just enhanced that by discovering something hidden within my souls tapestry, something a word cannot explain! Music is interwoven, it need not be attained, just shared. Our natural environment has been one of my greatest teachers, I feel a longing and pull towards understanding, drinking and consuming all knowledge about our Whenua, our Kaitiaki and Ancestry and the connection we have with oneness! I will undertake a journey to learn more, not as a hobby but as a life force which cant be denied. A tree no longer looks the same, it is enriched with far more wisdom you and I could ever comprehend because it is not in competition with Life, it is in sync with it. I extend all my love, gratitude, finesse and lavender coloured energy to all and any who took the time out of their day to read my seemingly out of nowhere novel x Been doing the whole novel thing quite a bit lately (my family know what I mean) lol but it certainly helps to express that which cant be tamed! Heading back into the workforce soon, cant wait to utilise the tools available to create the change I want to see! New outlook, New attitude, New Presence xox Love & Light to you all!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:44:08 +0000

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