So,who is the man really in charge and who is just a great - TopicsExpress


So,who is the man really in charge and who is just a great pretender ??? EXCLUSIVE Three months ago, a former senior police officer received a surprise phone call during Hari Raya Aidilfitri, urging him to attend a meeting with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. That call was from Umno-linked lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and the retired top cop was former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigations Department director Mat Zain Ibrahim. Following this, on Aug 10 - three days after Hari Raya - Mat Zain met Shafee (left) at the lawyers office-cum-residence in Bukit Tunku. At the meeting, the duo discussed the misconducts of attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, including the highly-publicised international case on Batu Puteh - the island off Johor that Malaysia lost to Singapore in a legal dispute before the International Court of Justice in 2008. Several hours later, Mat Zain and Shafee proceeded to meet Mahathir at his residence in Country Heights, Kajang. The former PM had apparently just arrived back from his home state of Kedah. Joining the meeting were Mahathirs former political secretary Matthias Chang and former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director Ramli Yusuff, who also briefed Mahathir over his run-ins with Gani. Over a Hari Raya meal, the discussion centred on the alleged wrongdoings of Gani. It began with Anwars black-eye case, in which Mat Zain was the investigating officer, and for which former inspector-general of police Abdul Rahim Noor was implicated and jailed. Alleged black-eye fabrication In the course of his investigations, Mat Zain told Mahathir that he uncovered fabrication of evidence allegedly committed by Gani, who then was one of the key government prosecutors handling Anwars Sodomy I and abuse of power cases. The alleged fabrication took place when Gani (right) put a pathologist, Dr Abdul Rahman Yusoff, to the witness stand and told the court that Anwar claimed his injuries could have been self-inflicted. This was in total contradiction with a slew of other medical reports. As a result, a royal commission of inquiry was set up to investigate the black-eye incident, where Abdul Rahim was subsequently found to have inflicted the blows on Anwar. In the bid to pursue the alleged fabrication of evidence further, Anwar filed a police report in 2008 - 10 years after the incident - against Gani and former police chief Musa Hassan, who was the investigator of Anwars sodomy case. A three-member Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) committee comprising former senior judges was eventually formed to probe the complaint and it cleared both Gani and Musa on accusations of fabrication and misconduct that were made against the duo. At the Hari Raya discussion with Mahathir (left), Shafee agreed that the appointment of the MACC committee had been illegally constituted, and further, only a tribunal could clear the AG or the IGP of any wrongdoing - not a panel formed by the MACC. Mat Zain is nevertheless puzzled by Mahathir and Shafee calling him for the meeting because the evidence that they sought had been widely reported. It is readily available on the Internet and they can search for my open letters. Following the meeting, Shafee asked me for copies of the documents I possess and I sent them to the lawyer on Sept 24, the former top cop told Malaysiakini. AG blamed over Batu Puteh After the Aug 10 meeting, Mat Zain made a statutory declaration on the matter on Oct 7. He then sent copies of his statutory declaration to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak two days later. A copy of his SD was sighted by Malaysiakini. Copies of the SD were also sent to solicitor-general Idrus Harun, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar and it is also believed to have made its way to Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, through his aide. Malaysiakini has contacted Shafee and Chang for their comments and is awaiting their response. Ironically, Shafee was appointed by Gani to head the prosecution in its appeal against Anwars acquittal by the High Court in Kuala Lumpur on the Sodomy II charge against him. Mat Zain told Malaysiakini the meeting also revolved around Malaysias defeat in the Batu Puteh case and how Gani could have bungled in the case. Meanwhile, Ramli last Friday filed a suit against Gani, Musa and 10 others for malicious prosecution as the tussle between the two former top cops continues.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:35:52 +0000

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