So why couldnt be a dentist. I would be hated less and still - TopicsExpress


So why couldnt be a dentist. I would be hated less and still nobody really likes me. I could support a coke habit and be ten times more dangerous. Id have issues that would be conflicting like just for the hell of it have an old English foot treadle drill in the examination room. I would become sadistic. That is what it takes to pull teeth. Id rather make a career of vaporizing into thin air an undetectable exit. Just in time to drop dead in heaven. WIt a minute we just sent you out back to Earth. Like sylvester getting beatup by a giant australian mouse. Oh father you cant even get me the mouse I wanted for my birthday. Oooh my fater cannot even catch me a mouse for my birthday. Oohh the shame ooh the humilation. Not i had to eat.and live at least to see my daughters. My land lady asked me there names. I was somewhat miffed. Since I dont remember the cpas name. We didnt have time to name the otherone. I can not pick up what is already gone, or want to speak to their ma. She was right I would reconize my own childen. Brothers and sisters from three differant mothers. I offered to adopt the other three. I care enough to eat in the joint. So I could at least see the childs I helped bring in this world. I had no idea that Irish many times do. Rape one or more of their daughters. Like life doesnt seem that fast at first. I guess i really get along with my people the best the prolataiate working class back bone of America. After all rejoicing and jubalee is great. When I try that it comes out of me twisted and satanic. Is why I cant sing, read sheet music. Deffinately dont verbalize wicked incantations.It makes hell bust loose. No one wants that. Keep that stove off. Then thow it out the window & it will go away.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:22:41 +0000

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