So why do I feel so blue cause I think I love you,so what do I - TopicsExpress


So why do I feel so blue cause I think I love you,so what do I fall for those I never can have?why does my son go not caring,if I were to die in my sleep tonight what would my khristian do?sadly life jut keeps on rolling ,would I truelly be missed by so many like I wish,why do my prayers go in ensured,why must I be different around so many others,why is my heart,my very soul my whole spirit so big and loving,why do I get hurt so often and so badly?Im so beautiful on the inside that should be enough but it never is you must be physically beautiful to others on the outside before they will give you a chance,why is god ref using my need of my own place,a car and enough money to live just barely survive Im I asking to much.Ive never dreamed big cause it seems so in realistic.Im not saying Im not happy with what I have but sorry dear god everything Im praying for is a need not I want.why did my oldest friend just abandon me and made no effort to be the friend I wanted and needed like I was to here sometimes you get stomped on and everything gets worse not close to being better.All the applications Ive put out,the assures I have asked for and made why is no one getting back to me?why is all my hopes and dreams going left in assured?Sometimes I feel like a big cloud of nothiness.why have I been so good and nothing comes to save me and bring me any little glispe of light threw the storms?So much pain in our world and hurt and wrong why do I feel I can change it and bring hopes and your dreams really will come true if you just believe,your forever faithful,and when all your life you do unto others as youd have them do unto yousville,why doesnt it ever come.Miracles are so special they happen everyday why is my faith leaving me dead upon my grave,why do we suffer on so long when do things get better reinvest you in faith and hopes and believing in dreams that they really will come true then reality slams deeply inside of you?my kids have no time for me its breaking my already in pieces heart.I seem to do for others more then myself when does this count?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:33:06 +0000

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