So with all of these NPIP verifications going on, I would like to - TopicsExpress


So with all of these NPIP verifications going on, I would like to touch on a maybe touchy subject! When looking for the perfect breeder to purchase from, always view the official NPIP registry at, which is up to date within 24-38 hours! I know you can find ours up to date with everything we are tested on as well as every breed we carry here on the farm =). However, some breeders try to cheat the system. Just for example, let me throw out an off the wall example here. Lets pick a state....ok lets do VA. Now lets pick a breeder off their list....lets go with any from the letter N to the letter R. You can clearly read the name or company that is registered with the NPIP government run system. Find out their address, etc. Also see what they are tested for on the far right of each participant. What you will notice is what their certification is given for? Why should this matter you ask? Because when an inspector comes to run the testing, you must list EVERY BREED you carry. Why do you ask? Because each breed must be tested for their free of disease status. So for example if you were to list only two breeds and that is what your certification is based upon AND you instead had for example the following breeds on your farm not properly listed: emus P1 leghorns R666 brahmas R18 modern game bantam R1043 silkies showgirls/NN R33 turkin Z61 peafowl Z11 russian orloafs langshan R232 ducks Geese Legbars R236 Vorwerk phoenix Guinea Z4 and many others....oops, that could forfeit YOUR complete NPIP status if you ordered something not on their certification. Of course it would be illegal as well to ship any breed that wasnt on their claim under your their number. Goodness, I sure wouldnt want to be in those shoes! So the end of the story is this. ALWAYS check from whom you are buying from. There are really good people out there and then there are some not so great people.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:10:58 +0000

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