So with no disrespect whatsoever. I personally believe that - TopicsExpress


So with no disrespect whatsoever. I personally believe that Malaysia and Indonesia cant be serious when they keep harping on an Islamic Age in South East Asia and how they will herald that said age into SEA. Simply cause, Animism is still very very much part of the Malay psyche. Im boyan. Trust me. And those Malays who deny this, please eh. Jangan nak bedek you all. The most famous radio show on radio is Misteri Jam 12. Find me a story that isnt related to Animism on that show before you tell me you dont believe in it. So with all that hoo haa of the banning of the usage of Allah from others and what not and how Malaysia tried to bring about that age, I think we all know, SEA is just as it is. And with a missing plane and the brou haha of those shamans? Weird but hey. I am Malay and I dont find that weird. I dont condone it of course. Its a pity the weirdness comes out at a tragedy like this. And no. This isnt country slamming. Singapore is weird too. One tiny dot. So many Chinese in a sea of indigenous Malays. Oh and those talk about chillis and onions and about He who must not be named personal doctor/ shaman from Indonesia. ( Dont quote me on that one. Take enough cabs and almost all taxi drivers say that. ) Oh yea. Weird. We all are. No wonder all those backpackers love Asia. So much weirdness that its actually culture. Now, if you please excuse me. I need to talk to the Elves of Gondolin. Tolkien is still a turn on.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 20:51:27 +0000

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