So yesterday August 29, 2014, I was heading into Hell Alberta I - TopicsExpress


So yesterday August 29, 2014, I was heading into Hell Alberta I see two young girls in Westlock County spraying trees in the ditch. I couldnt believe my eyes. They had a two inch hose and about 4 hundred gallons of Tordon 22K that they were laying out everywhere. I stopped to find out WTF they were doing. The girls were confused as to what they were spraying and why so they called their supervisor because they didnt know how to answer my questions. I spoke with Jaqueline at the county office who said oh no they are killing trees so they dont encroach on the ditch, they are using Garlon XRT. I was like WTF, these trees are 40 feet away from the ditch and in a body of water. I have video of the conversation that I will share in the thread. In the end she said she would come to see what the girls were doing and I left. Later in the evening my husband and I went back to video the weeds that the girls were supposed to be spraying for and found about 20 plants in a 2 mile run. I recorded my entire conversation with the girls and their supervisor which I will also post. The whole scene is just ridiculous. These girls didnt even realize what they were exposing themselves too or the destruction they were leaving in their wake. We need to stop the provincial funding for these spray programs. Please call your MLA and tell them enough giving our tax dollar to Dow Chemical to kill us and our environment. If we cant afford doctors in our communities we cant afford to spray trees in the ditches!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:55:13 +0000

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