So yesterday I found out just how strong my voice can be. We were - TopicsExpress


So yesterday I found out just how strong my voice can be. We were visiting on the porch with our neighbor, and Dolly was on the porch off leash because she was following Mike around while he hauled leaves. I looked next door, and saw the two beautiful red nosed pittys out front with their owners, on leash of course because their owners are amazing! Anyway, Dolly dove off the porch and charged them. Dolly is a 15 year old jack russell! The owners froze, Dan froze, Dolly charged and I started running, to get between her and them. I couldnt go fast enough because I kept slipping in the mud, so I just let out this blood curdling scream. Dolly stopped dead in her tracks, and the two bullies instantly squatted and pissed. I snatched dolly like a foot ball and put her under my arm and yelled I am so sorry, so sorry you guys!! and ran out back. O.O It was incredible. That can never happen again. That incident puts all dogs in jeopardy. Because even tho dolly was off leash, and it was not their fault, those dogs would have been the ones punished for their breed. So I got to thinking about the time we were at the park, and this little toddler was running to the road. I tried to catch him too, while everyone just sat there in shock. I finally screamed at him, and his little legs buckled and he instantly fell on his butt. As the car whizzed past him. Now I have to wonder what it was like for my children to grow up with that voice screaming at them. If I can make a little kids legs buckle, a dog stop in their tracks, and other dogs squat and piss in fear, then im pretty sure I terrorized them as well. Its hard to see myself through someone elses eyes, knowing what kind of person I used to be. This voice should be a gift, not a curse. Used for good, it can save lives.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:54:47 +0000

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