So, yesterday, I gave my first attempt of the smallest of my 3 - TopicsExpress


So, yesterday, I gave my first attempt of the smallest of my 3 Ultimate Lake District Triathlons...some of it was easier than I expected and some of it was immensely excruciating! Due to logistics we got a little delayed for the swim which meant if I did the whole 5.5 miles of Coniston Water I wouldnt meet my cycle support team in time. So my swim support team and I decided I would just do 3 miles this time and use it as a training session...I was majorly pleased when I completed the 3 mile swim in 1 hour and 52 minutes with no problem at all! Chuffed to bits and cant wait to do the full length. We then headed from Coniston to Wrynose where, after just ascending a fifth of the agonising climb where I thought my muscles were going to tear apart, a driver forced me to pull over. Unfortunately, this was on such a steep slope that I then couldnt get enough of a run up to get my SPDs clipped in...I realised there was no way in this world I was ever going to be able to conquer the pass! At this, I shouted and cried.. then I remembered the song that was playing when I got in the car in the morning and sang it at the top of my lungs to the sheep...Something Inside So Strong. With tears rolling, I descended to the last flat section so that I could start peddling and cover the same ground again. A couple of motorcyclists gave me a warm hearted chat and I set off again, still crying. The 4 guys that I was cycling with, of course, were all at the top long ago. After waiting for me for such a period and a message to them from the motorcyclists that I was struggling, 2 of them returned to give me some motivational support to the top. I cant believe that they cycled nearly the whole thing again for me! They were awesome. So, we got up a couple more sections, when I was nearly sick from exhaustion. The last 20 yards to the top were in front of me and disaster foot somehow got caught on the wheel and knocked me off balance which meant I had to unclip and put my foot down. The last flat was just too far below so I devastatingly had to push the last 20 yards. Lesson learned...get my SPDs fitted properly. So Im not sure, since I had to do one section twice, that it covers the section I pushed, but either way...I just can not believe that from the point of balling my eyes out, devastated by the realisation that I wouldnt be able to complete some of the challenges I had set myself, I actually made it to the top! Excellent training for the full Tri of: 5.5 mile Coniston Swim Cycle Wrynose Pass Run/Crawl Skiddaw be completed by end of July. Many pints and much food was devoured afterwards! Happy bloody days!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:14:39 +0000

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