So yesterday I opened up my thoughts to the opinions of this lady - TopicsExpress


So yesterday I opened up my thoughts to the opinions of this lady called facebook or maybe shes a man I dont know, but anywho. Between the clicks and pecks on my keyboard I was embraced and made to know that in my situation, in my blessings, going through my stuff I could put aside my shit and share a piece of my soul with you. You guys touched me in ways that people Ive known all my life have never taken the time nor attention to do..... Its so refreshing to connect with people with whom you share the same hopes, dreams and aspirations and collectively you can navigate this fierce landscape together side by side. My connection to each of your comments made me realize how important community, friendship and impact so perfectly dance together like a river going downstream. I am grateful to you all. Thank You. Ok so lets get to the chicken and scallop potatoes of this conversation. She, Me, Her has stood in the lines admiring the beautiful tapestry of colorful conversations in both timeline posts, groups and online websites . Ive heard that I should bask in my vibration, Be Intentional in my stride, Get Clarity in my message, Resonate with my audience, Sell My Offering, Pitch My Book, Like Her Post, Opt-In to that mailing list and get my piece of the six figure income. Ive started To Do lists filled with landing pages, autoresponders, funnels, branding, headshots, What Do I Do statements and quite honestly its overwhelming. Just when I think Ive gotten out of the box that others seem to place me in Ive held myself captive yet once again to the status quo. Ive joined groups asked questions and then crickets. Then those same crickets like my post then post their offer for paid coaching or free discovery session without so much as a word to answer my question WOW! Ladies in this industry of entrepreneurship there is this unwritten playbook of what you should or should not do, how things should go, what lingo we should use and as my girl Heather Hart Beheler put it so eloquently. I call bullshit on those made up rules. Be who you are..... SIMPLE Dont get confused by the mirage of skittle colored mannequins who preach on what you should or should not be doing and how you should be running your life. They told me I couldnt tell you how to create a freedom based lifestyle if Im not touring the world, they even said I couldnt show you how to write a book if I havent written one myself. I beg to differ....... I know what freedom is and I know how to write and who the hell can tell me what freedom is better than me. Freedom is left to the interpretation of who is experiencing it or atleast thats what I thought. Every icon and every she-ro that has made their 6 figure or 7 figure mark has been exactly where you are today at some point in time in their lives. Blaze your own trails, create your own languages, design your own offering and make it uniquely YOURS. Its tough, its lonely, its difficult but its your time to shine. Now more then ever. I am starting a movement and together we can help each other achieve our biggest goals. Dont sit back and simply like a post, jump in, join the conversation. Show up. Do something different. Be bold. Rock your steps in the right direction. They say to be something you have never been you have to do something you have never done. I BELIEVE THAT. Some of you are battling financial hardships but you want to get your gift out into the world, some of you are feeling defeated and want to be encouraged, some of you are confused but want to be enlightened and that step in the right direction starts not with the click of the like button but you just saying hi, hello or my name is Alanna. You have no idea mentally where I was or how I felt at the time I posted this, but I showed up, I showed out. I took a leap of faith. Sitting here with every breath in my body and every fiber in my being I promise that if God grants me the days ahead I will do my best to show up up and create an amazing difference in the lives of 100 women. The plan is not put in place, the stars are not perfectly lined just right. But remember this day and stay tuned. Ladies and Gents life is about building and creating, uplifting and making a difference. Money is a necessity and yes we need to work hard for it but wealth and money are two different things. True wealth comes when you wake up in your mess and still push on to help someone else through theres. Take off the masks dont live in the shadows of your mentors or your coaches. Be wealthy individuals for whatever you define as wealth. Use their successes as lines on your paper to create your own chapters. Be bold in your decisions, put yourself in perspective and know that you are just as good and just as deserving. Stop complaining about what you dont have or the time is not right or youre gonna wait until the odds are stacked just right for you. Start now, Start today, Start tonight. To create your stuff you are going to need a team a support system. People who share your same fight your same struggle. Does that look like your best friend, your mom, your husband maybe not. Maybe they dont even believe in your dream; but I DO....... Be Who You Were Meant To Be....
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:14:42 +0000

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