So, yesterday I was just too tired to do mini readings - started - TopicsExpress


So, yesterday I was just too tired to do mini readings - started work at 8am and finished at 5pm - doing accounts / administration work for my GG - so to make up for it, I have done 10 free mini readings today! And today’s free mini readings go to …. Kelly Johnson – a cause, something that will become passionate to you and dear to your heart you will put a lot of time and effort into this and your dedication will pay off. You will be acknowledged for your hard work. I am getting that it is the beginning and you will see it grow to great heights. I am being given the name Lance or it could be Lawrence. Katren Gardner – Just remember that the more you earn the more you spend. I am getting that financially you are going to be in a good spot, however you do need to make sure that you have enough left in the bank to allow for a large unexpected cost, you’ll be glad that you did. I am being given the name James. Not sure what it is you’re after but getting that you need to wait a little bit longer. Mathew Brennan – As much as it hurts to see people you care about making the wrong decision there is nothing that you can do about it – it is their path that they are on. I do feel as though someone close to you is or will become ‘destructive’ by this possibly a serious addiction of some kind and you won’t be able to ‘save’ them because they won’t want your help. It’s a toughie to learn but learn it we must. Elizabeth Watson – Something that you really wanted to work out is going to end, and while it will obviously be upsetting at the time, you will come to realise that it was meant to end and that it has allowed you the freedom to follow a different path, it’s as though you’ve become a bit ‘stuck’ – I don’t know why but I feel that this is around a business / work situation. I am also getting the name Debbie. Cassandra Wellard – take the next couple of months to reflect on the past year and what lessons that you have personally learnt – make sure you do learn from them. I am seeing a watch but I think it may be a fob watch and it looks to be gold, there is an inscription on it as well. I am being given the name Donna. 2015 will be a year of cleansing for you – removing people from your life as well as ‘stuff’. Lowanna Michelle Brough – there is someone close to you that isn’t the nicest of people but they believe that everyone likes them, they are quite brash and while they take great pride in speaking the truth, they deliver it very harshly. I am getting the word ‘mannerisms’ though not sure why. I am also seeing an old doll, though it is a rag doll I think not ceramic. You’ll learn more about astrology. Amor Mima – Don’t over think things – you’ll think things through but make a decision and don’t doubt it – just make it in the best way possible and let things then happen, you make a decision and then wonder if you’ve made the right one and then change your mind and chaos ensues. I am being given the name Barbara. I am also getting something about a bird – maybe one that hangs around your home? Look into the spiritual meaning behind it. Falcao Osk – Someone close to you with an illness that is quite debilitating and with no cure – this isn’t them but someone close to them can’t understand the injustice of it all, and to be honest, sometimes we will never know in this lifetime. I am being given the name Brian or it kind of sounds like that. Don’t mask your pain – we all carry hurts but need to learn to let them go. Catharina Vincent – a feeling of being stifled, a bit bored – is this with work? You won’t change jobs but will look elsewhere to find some meaning to your life, something that you can look forward to and that adds a bit of excitement, be careful what you choose it may come back to bite you. I am being given the name Loris / Louise. Remember that happiness is within not from outside of us. Jackie Martin – More money coming in this year – not in a lump sum though, as though a pay rise or in different little ways. I am being given the name Samuel. I also feel as though in a past life you were a slave in America’s South – a feeling that you find peace in soul music or if you look into their superstitions / habits you will identify with certain things. I do understand that everyone would like a mini reading but to keep things fair for all the mini readings on Facebook are selected randomly as a little thank you for liking my page, when you have liked my page your name is put into an excel spread sheet and the computer program picks the next person, these are done when I have the time to fit them in. I cannot tag you in these readings – you need to check each day or maybe a friend may tag you if they see it. Do realise that they may not make sense RIGHT NOW but could be for a few months or even a year – so just put it somewhere that you can look back on it and that you have free will to do anything you want. If you don’t feel you can wait for your random free reading and would like to have a reading with me, I offer the following readings:- • ½ hour and offer face to face at my rooms in Newcastle, emailed and telephone all $50 • One question mini reading (one topic) and a one tarot card reading for $10 • A 3 tarot card reading or 3 one topic questions for $30 (by email only) • Baby reading (for the newborn bub in the family) $40 • Dream Interpretation $15 All readings can be booked through my website katrina-jane
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:43:01 +0000

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