So yesterday ive watched that movie The Ultimate Gift fot the - TopicsExpress


So yesterday ive watched that movie The Ultimate Gift fot the umpteenth time. And every time i cry my eyes out. What comes to mind when one think of a gift? An object,right??? :/ WRONG!! What about the gift of: * WORK - if you havent worked for anything and worked hard for it? You will never really know how to appreciate it :/ * MONEY -They say money is the root of all evil? :/ well it dont have to be. Just learn to spend it WISELY... :/ * FRIENDS - Many ppl tend to think they dont need friends :/ they say no man is an island . What would life be without friends? * LEARNING - One is never too old to learn anything new. We cant go thru life acting as if we know all the answers. We dont! * PROBLEMS - Without that how will we ever learn to solve anything? It makes us stronger and wiser,dont u think? * FAMILY - They say we can choose our friends,but we cant choose our family. Embrace family bonds. Blood will always be thicker than water in the end. * LAUGHTER - Something,nobody can really go without. Its the best medicine for a sore heart :D hoe sou dit wees as ons elke dag suur en sinies deur die lewe moes gaan? *DREAMS - If you dont have a dream to achieve anything in life? What do u have? No direction,and no future.that much i can tell you. * GIVING - The Bible teaches us that the more u give? God will bless u in multiple ways. So y just be for urself. Selfishness is such an ugly quality in people. Eish. * GRATITUDE - We cant always just expect to receive things and never say thankyou. Being grateful is a beautiful thing as much as acknowledging it. * LOVE - It really doesnt have to cost a thing u know. Ppl complicated it with conditions. God teaches us in the Bible to love thy neigbour like urself :) love is what makes the world go round. Its the one thing u can never give or receive enough of
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:20:03 +0000

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