So, yesterday my feed was filled with a lot of links and emotions - TopicsExpress


So, yesterday my feed was filled with a lot of links and emotions about what happened in Missouri. I felt bad that I didnt say anything, because theres so much wrong with this world that sometimes to turn a blind eye is a sin in and of itself. Heres what I think: as much as I choose to focus on the positive, we do live in dark and dangerous times. People do desperate things. That is not going to change, but it might lessen in times of prosperity. And there are different kinds of prosperity, but the main thing is money. People need money. Without money, they do unconscionable things. We live in a culture where we turn the needy out into the cold, then blame them for the dog eat dog response that survival evokes. We threaten to take away their charity on the regular, so that charity does not even mean what its intended to mean, anymore. Its just another commodity to snatch and grab. The very people who form the building blocks of this economy, we punish mercilessly for their role. How dare you be poor? We find their very station in life offensive, beneath us who have it better. Sometimes those people are poor blacks. Sometimes they are poor whites with guns and badges. Tomorrow, if you are privileged to be surrounded by family and friends, out of harms way, ensconced in a relatively safe home and a low crime community, do be thankful, but maybe take it a step further. Look at those people around the table with you and ask one another, What can we do to make things better? I dont necessarily mean hand-outs, but maybe thats one way. Maybe you have a little time you could give. Maybe you change your attitude, stop being a racist jerk at the water cooler, or maybe you stop giving nasty people an audience (dont laugh at that bozos joke next time, how about that?). Maybe this year you buy some non-refrigerated lunch kits and keep them in your car for the homeless you see by the side of the road. You probably already know someone who volunteers somewhere. Tag along. Maybe volunteering isnt your thing, maybe you cant. What *can* you do? Something, Im sure of it. Maybe you need to read a book. Maybe you need to watch a movie. Maybe you need to talk to your friends. Maybe you need to make *new* friends. I dont know. I dont have all the answers. I only know that if you are upset about Ferguson, whichever side of the issue you fall on, you can do better once you know better. I also know you are stronger than you think. And real strength does not come from money or from guns or from the letter of the law. It comes from your heart. Theres a light in there. Turn it on like ET, baby, and let it shine wherever you go. The rest will follow.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:29:41 +0000

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