So yesterday my oldest son Adam was working at the Mall of America - TopicsExpress


So yesterday my oldest son Adam was working at the Mall of America and they had to go into lockdown mode because 1500 protesters flled the mall. Employees were instructed to get as many people as they could into the safety of the stores, shut the gates and lock them. Btw they didnt instruct the employees to grab all the WHITE people and bring them in..just as many PEOPLE as they could grab. Dear Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, why dont you encourage these Black Lives Matter groups to gather and march down the middle of the streets in the gang ridden areas of Chicago? or L.A.? Or St. Louis? Or even Minneapolis? This is where the REAL violence against blacks occurs. Have you ever checked the statistics on these cities black on black violence over the course of even one month? Black men, black women, black grandmothers, black teens, black children and even black babies being gunned down by the HUNDREDS! Where are you, Al and Jesse? This is where it all starts. THIS is what needs your attention. This thug lifestyle is what makes the general population afraid when they see a young black man swaggering down the middle of the street with his pants half way down to his knees. If that same young man were to carry himself differently and wear something not commonly associated with thug-life most people wouldnt look twice or feel the need to be on guard. If youre going to look the part, if youre going to dress and act like you are in a gang or youre a thug, EXPECT to be looked at differently. EXPECT a police officer to be a little more on edge when dealing with you. We now have officers being assasinated just because of their uniforms! Dont you think the police are in code red mode now when dealing with anyone who dresses or acts like a thug? Is this racist? I dont think so. Its the result of what black culture has turned into in our country. Why, Al and Jesse arent you protesting the music industry for promoting gang violence and contributing to the deterioration of the black community? Why arent you protesting the behavior of the NFL and NBA stars who are contributing to the tainted view of African Americans in our country? Why ARENT you marching down the middle of the street in the gang ridden neighborhoods where blacks are being slaughtered daily instead of protesting in affluent shopping centers? This is where it all starts,where the real problem lies. Why ARENT you protesting there? My guess is because you know you will never make it out alive. But you cant say that, because that would make you a racist, right? #PrayforAmerica#
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:37:13 +0000

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