So yesterday was 1 year since I made the conscious decision to - TopicsExpress


So yesterday was 1 year since I made the conscious decision to love my best friend. With everything that I had been through, I knew that there was no man that I even trusted any longer to try and let be around me and my boys. Exactly 365 days was one of the best decisions of my life!!!! Not a single argument, fight, or spat. A year of being treated in ways that were unimaginable to me. A man, finally a REAL man! I just want to tell you ladies.... Not everyone is lucky enough to find that kinda live with their best friend. YES, I am LUCKY! Some women never really find it at all. A lot of times, we are subconsciously blocking it. Every single person that walks this earth has baggage. You have to take time to unpack it together, then iron those wrinkles on out. It takes communication, dedication, loyalty, devotion, and the want for it from both individuals. There is no doubt in my mind that He would lay it all down for me, and I would do the same. With everything that I have been through within my life, and even some of it that unwantingly spilled over into our first year.... I have managed to find this amazing man, that really was in front of me all along. I am whole. Complete. No longer bound to that life of heartache and disappointments. No longer broken by relationships that were not healthy. I have always been tough, but now I am strong. He and I are perfection together. Do not allow the actions put forth to you by others, cause you to doubt. It is there. Real men that know your worth are absolutely out there. It is your job to not let yourself be so blinded by bullish, that you cannot see what is waiting for you. ;0) Somebody today is going to meet their match. They will fall head over heels, and it will last forever. This I promise, and I pray that those that do not find it today will find it soon enough. XOXO
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 11:03:17 +0000

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