So you really want that job? Here are 10 great interview tips for - TopicsExpress


So you really want that job? Here are 10 great interview tips for you 1. Plan and Prepare -Think about the job you are applying for. Research the organisation and position by looking on their website to find out what they do 2. Dress for Success - Dress according to the position eg. business attire for an administration position and smart casual for a trade position. 3. Be on Time - Arrive 15 minutes early to make a great first impression and allow extra travel time in case of traffic or public transport delays. 4. Establish Rapport - Find a common interest with your interviewer. Smile and be friendly. 5. Ask Questions - Prepare your questions in advance, such as what hours will be required and what work day is preferable for the employer. 6. Dont Discuss Wages - Generally this will be discussed at the second interview. 7. Be a Good Listener - Listen to what the employer tells you about the organisation and the position - generally they will ask you questions based on this information. 8. Be Enthusiastic - Sell yourself! Let the employer know you want the job. 9. First Impressions - Generally most employers will come back to you within 1-2 weeks, if you havent heard contact the employer to gain feedback.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:16:12 +0000

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