So you think the republican agenda is something recent? Think - TopicsExpress


So you think the republican agenda is something recent? Think again! Modern Legacy of Genocide Since 1492 Poverty for Indigenous People“Illegal Immigration” (Indigenous People are classified as criminals for migrating across European-colonial borders.)Forced Sterilization of Indigenous WomenIndian Schools (the most famous are the Indian Boarding Schools, but these have their origins in the missionary schools of early colonial Mexico. These school systematically exterminated Indigenous culture: languages, writing, mathematics, theology, and pride.)Latino/Hispanic (an attempt to whitewash the Indigenous-descent population, making them a sub-category of Spanish imperialism.)Manifest Destiny (the theft of Indigenous lands and parceling it out to white settlers)United Fruit Company and Monsanto - corporate colonialism of lands and resourcesGenocide of Mayans in Guatemala 1980s - hundreds of thousands were killed by paramilitary forces funded by the United States.Bush Doctrine – pre-emptive invasion in the name of “saving them with Democracy”.IMF, WTO, World Bank - this “triad” oversees (read: strong-arms) the world economy on behalf of “The West”. These institutions are run by Europeans to “develop” non-white nations, charging them huge interest on debts loaned out with numerous “structural reform” strings attached.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:01:26 +0000

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