So you want to get into business with the Mexican drug cartel? You - TopicsExpress


So you want to get into business with the Mexican drug cartel? You think nothing bad could possibly happen? You assume if something goes awry the Mexican drug cartel will just be like Its all good, bro. No big Deal If youre considering any of this, Germers and Jewettes, perhaps you should watch the Couselor first. Reading this review might just save your life. We had high high expectations for this one. Our eyes practically popped out of their sockets when we first saw the preview. The cast of The Counselor is definitely star studded. Jarvier Bardem, youre kind of a wild card in your movies, Your characters are always played with just the right amount of crazy. Penelope Cruz, you should open up a camping store because youre great at pitching tents. Mamacita is muy caliente as usual. Cameron Diaz, you play the femme fatale so well. Your scene on top of the Ferrari is permanently etched in our memory banks(totally worth the price of admission). Brad Pitt, we will pretty much see any movie youre in. You could star in an instructional video about self genital mutilation and we would buy tickets. So can any one of you guys tell me why The Counselor is kind of like the prize in a box of Cracker Jacks, a huge letdown. What this movie lacks is a sense of realism. Sure people are greedy. I get that.But if you are a well paid lawyer, drive a Bentley, and are dating an absolute babe are you really going to roll the dice on a deal with ruthless drug dealers? So right away the entire premise seems unrealistic. Another thing that was a little upsetting was being introduced to a pair of real life cheetahs and thinking at some point they were going to run down some poor unfortunate soul and rip his guts out. Never happens. Theres a phone conversation between the main character and a Mexican drug kingpin that just drags on and on waxing philosophically about the inevitability of death. If you wake up and kill ten people before breakfast, dont speak like an English professor. Speak like a killer. Thats who you are. Embrace it. So Germers and Jewettes, dont be fooled by the all star cast in the Counselor. It doesnt make up for such an uneventful plot. Disappointingly, we give a 2 out of 5 on the Virtual High Five Scale. Get it together Hollywood.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 01:15:30 +0000

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