So you want to jump higher? Want to build more explosive power in - TopicsExpress


So you want to jump higher? Want to build more explosive power in your lower body? Improve your overall balance? Lose Body Fat? Gain massive muscle mass? What about become more peaceful? Happier? Healthier? We all hear all of these weird fitness terms thrown out by fitness pros. Truth be told if you don’t understand how these exercises improve your body then I want you to take a step back and Evaluate Your Program. And Get with the Program! In today’s high tech society we are becoming what I like to call “programmable”. Basically we do things on autopilot these days without thinking about the Intent of the Action. And don’t be afraid to Ask your trainer Questions! In fact it helps them help you attain your goals faster if you ask questions! So ask them what does this exactly do for me? How is this going to benefit me? And the next time you take an exercise group class ask questions! Why do we do this? Why are we doing it this way? So I ask you please, in fact I’m begging you to not let yourself become a programmable robot that is on autopilot all day. And this applies to ALL aspects of life, NOT Just exercising! So how can You Get with the Program? I’ve listed some ways below. 1. Set aside some quiet time each day. Even if it’s for 10 minutes a day. There are 24 hours in a day which equates to 1440 minutes. So 10 minutes of your day is roughly 0.694 % of your day! That’s all! I think we all can set aside 10 minutes of our day to Reflect. A lot of us spend waste less time on complaining, stressing out, etc. Carry a journal with you throughout your day. And count how many times in 1 day you complain! A negative comment is a complaint! So replace that complaining time with 10 minutes of Just Me Time. The amount of brainpower it takes to think of that negative thought and express it is a lot of work. You can find a better use of your time. And no one is perfect here! I’m by far from perfect and I’ll be the first one to admit it! So replace that negative energy with some “Me time”. You can meditate, sit there and write a poem. Just be still and enjoy the peace. Find a place in a local park and Reflect. Journal if you want. Go to the forest if you want. Play some nature music. Pray. But during this time I want you to be still and reflect on You. You don’t have to think that hard either. Once you incorporate a daily reflection practice you will become more at ease with life. And think about how abundant life is. 2. Make a vision board. Write some things on your mirror if you want. I write things in bright lipstick on my bathroom mirror. Why? Well those positive affirmations and goals are the first to greet me every morning. And in lipstick because I can easily wipe them off when they come to fruition and replace them with more. And yes I’m a girl lol. What girl doesn’t absolutely love the sight of lipstick? I know I surely do! 3. Take the time to ask yourself why do I do the things I do? How is it going to benefit me and the world as a whole? Does it bring me joy? Is it adding to my life? Is it making me a better person? If the answer is no to any of the questions above then throw it out in the trash. Stop it. And say goodbye! And replace it with things full of positive abundance! 4. Learn to Just Be You! God created each and every one of us for a specific purpose. Get out there and find out why you’re here! Remember no one can be you! God made you the way you are for a certain reason. When you put yourself down and allow others to put you down you need to remind yourself that you/or others are putting down God’s masterpiece. So
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:24:08 +0000

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