Soap Box Dame: “What About Black on Black Crime?” While - TopicsExpress


Soap Box Dame: “What About Black on Black Crime?” While violence IS NOT the answer, I must say, that I have visions of smacking the sh*t out of people when they reflexively state “Well what about Black on Black crime” Ni**a (All race inclusive) when the whole country was going ape **** over terrorism 12 years ago and chose to maintain that course of action during the first decade of the millennium, I was on some “I worry more about losing my life here by the hands of an American FAAAAARRRRRRR more than by the deeds enacted by a “terrorist” For years, I’ve been on some “If the Feds REALLY cared about what’s going on, they would truly treat inner city violence as a top priority and view the protections and betterment of the lives of those living within those communities in high regard” But They haven’t and THEY WON’T Why? Because it’s politically unfeasible Why? Because a LARGE number of constituents could care less about young Blacks dying in American cites in great numbers and if politicians ran on a platform to earnestly help resolve the problem utilizing education, employment and compassion, along with law enforcement, those same politicians know they would not be elected to an office to be able institute such plans. Over the past 3 years or so I’ve heard, read and seen NUMEROUS Black people mention Chicago and it’s horrific inner city violence. Politicians, artists, talking heads, regular folk, NUMEROUS Black people. During that same time period, I rarely if ever saw any White figures of the same social standing mention the Black on Black crime in Chicago, and IF they did, it was a reflexive act of defense in conjunction with supporting efforts against gun control or in the defense of George Zimmerman’s actions. In general White people lamenting horrors of inner city violence is a rare occurrence. Not twin panda Halley’s Comet rare, but rare enough to show a lack of earnest concern. All of a sudden, more White people have said "Chicago" since this past Saturday than those placing bets on who they thought was going to win Super Bowl XX. Look is Black on Black crime a serious issue. YES. Dear God yes! But, it shouldn’t be utilized as a fallback conversational weapon to stifle the voice of people who point out other perceived injustices or diminish their concerns. Doing so only reflects extreme callousness on ones part.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:10:56 +0000

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