Social Media Newsfeed: Snapchat CEO on Leaks | Digits Custom - TopicsExpress


Social Media Newsfeed: Snapchat CEO on Leaks | Digits Custom Themes (#socialmedia info) Click here to receive the Morning Social Media Newsfeed via email. Snapchat CEO on Email Leaks: ‘I Felt Like I Was Going to Cry All Morning’ (SocialTimes) Sony entertainment CEO Michael Lynton is a board member and investor in Snapchat. With his whole inbox pretty much on display for the world to see, there were lots of insights about the inner-workings of the messaging app and the thinking of CEO Evan Spiegel. The Next Web Spiegel Wednesday made a heart-wrenching memo that was sent to staff and partners public, saying that he “felt like he was going to cry all morning” after the news leaked. Spiegel said, “I am so sorry that our work has been violated and exposed” and that “it’s not fair that the people try to build us up and break us down get a glimpse of who we really are.” CNET The emails — apparently part of a massive cache of data obtained and leaked by hackers — offered a snapshot of the three-year-old startup’s ambitions, including previously quiet acquisitions. The privacy-focused app’s roadmap was just some of the secrets compromised when a hacking group calling itself Guardians of Peace broke in to the entertainment unit’s computer networks and leaked thousands of financial documents, emails and a handful of unreleased movies to file-sharing sites. The Guardian There’s a view that writing articles based on leaked Sony emails is not that different from writing articles based on hacked voicemails. There’s another view that once documents are in the public domain – in this case, the hackers have placed them there – they are fair game for reporting. The Wall Street Journal Spiegel’s hard-nosed tactics did scare off a possible investor. Asian tech giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. backed out of a deal partly because Spiegel asked for a $4 billion valuation and demanded that he and his co-founder, Bobby Murphy, be allowed to sell $40 million of their shares in the transaction, according to Lasky in an email in November 2013. Twitter Rolls Out Custom Themes for Digits, its Free Sign-In API (VentureBeat) After rolling out its phone number sign-in tool, Digits, in October, Twitter is now giving developers creative control over the API’s appearance. With a few lines of code, the Digits API can be themed to match the rest of a website with appropriate background and accent colors. Facebook’s Rooms App Gets Explore Button; Product Manager Josh Miller Preaches Patience (AllFacebook) Facebook added an Explore button to its recently introduced Rooms iOS application, and product manager Josh Miller said in an interview with Re/code that he remained unconcerned about the app’s low user figure. Miller said in his conversation with Kurt Wagner of Re/code: “Like 90 percent if not more of the people who downloaded the app in the first week or so probably did so because they read a story in a tech publication about Facebook’s new app. As a result, though, a lot of them peaced out. It’s exactly what we expected.” Now That Cuba Is Fair Game, People Really Don’t Want McDonald’s and Starbucks to Ruin It (Adweek) President Barack Obama announced the United States has restored relations with Cuba, a major policy change after 50 years of immering hostility. Twitter rapidly filled with comments from people who worry U.S. brands such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, Pizza Hut and Orbitz will set up shop in Cuba and “turn it into Cancun.” Twitter Launches Two New Targeting Options for Mobile Advertisers (AllTwitter) More than 80 percent of Twitter’s 284 million active users engage on the platform from their mobile device, and Twitter wants to let advertisers fully exploit that metric. This week the platform rolled out two new mobile targeting options for marketers: mobile carrier targeting and the ability to target users with new mobile devices. Social Media: The Hostage That Eluded Sydney Siege Gunman (GMA News Online) One hostage the Sydney siege gunman failed to take this week was social media. After traditional media refused to air or print details of phone calls his hostages made, Man Haron Monis turned to Facebook and YouTube, forcing his captives to use their personal accounts to issue his demands to speak to the prime minister and spread claims that he’d planted bombs around the city. Bravo Re-Launches Website As ‘Digital Rabbit Hole’ For Fans (LostRemote) If Bravo isn’t on the top of your list when it comes to harnessing its legions binge-watching, tweeting, reality TV- loving viewers, it should be. Wednesday, the network announced the upcoming launch of The Daily Dish, a new app and the redesign of bravotv. Facebook Adds Another PayPal Executive, Stan Chudnovsky, to Messenger Team (Re/code) Facebook has poached another executive from PayPal to work on Facebook Messenger: VP of growth Stan Chudnovsky. Facebook announced the hire Wednesday, just six months after snatching PayPal President David Marcus to run the company’s messaging products. It’s Time to Get Proactive About Cybersecurity (SocialTimes) At the start of the year, Kaspersky Labs predicted 2014 would be the year of cyber-insecurity, and it seems they were right. Despite that, there is still no clear strategy for tackling the issue. New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:24:58 +0000

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