Social Media Tips for Being Socially Savvy on a Budget 1) Start - TopicsExpress


Social Media Tips for Being Socially Savvy on a Budget 1) Start with Facebook 2) Limit Your Focus 3) Post Effectively Posted on smallbiztrends, 8/1/13. For small business owners, social media is a great way to connect with customers, potential customers, build brand awareness and spread news quickly. According to the 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 86% of marketers report that social media is important to their businesses. But the average small business owner has limited time and money to spend on social media. A recent survey by Zoomerang states that 59% of small businesses spend less than $100 on social media (42% spend nothing), and 74% don’t employ anyone to manage their social media. And those who do employ social media for their business often don’t know where to start. You can easily capitalize on the marketing potential of social media even with limited resources. You just need to make sure you put your resources in the right places. Below are some tips on how to focus your social media efforts in a way that will resonate most with your customers. Start with Facebook: According to Social Media Quickstarter, 51% of people who “like” brands are more likely to buy a product after becoming a fan. Small business owners should spend the majority of time and money on designing a Facebook fan page. Make it visually dynamic with quality graphics and photos, which humanize your brand image by spotlighting the people in your business and giving customers a glimpse into your business’s inner-workings. Limit Your Focus: Beyond Facebook, be smart about which social media sites you choose to invest in. If you try to maintain a presence on too many sites, you may find yourself overwhelmed and unable to keep up. Outdated and abandoned social media accounts can hurt your brand image. To effectively narrow your social media focus, determine which social networks your customers frequent. One recent study found that the average social media user has accounts on only two social media sites and many users have narrowed their usage down to one site. You can determine which platforms your customers prefer by sending a quick survey. Post Effectively: It is recommended that businesses post one to four times a day on Facebook and five to ten times a day on Twitter. These posts should occur during business hours (8 AM to 8 PM) as this is when most people visit social media sites. It may be difficult for small business owners to post this frequently, but fortunately, Facebook allows you to schedule posts to be published at a later date. Social media might seem intimidating for the overworked and underfunded small business owner, but with the right tools and strategies, social media can be an easy and effective way to reach your customers. For much more detail and excellent graphics go to the link below.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 19:29:28 +0000

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