Societal changes are glacially slow. Four hundred years of - TopicsExpress


Societal changes are glacially slow. Four hundred years of slavery in America. Five hundred years before women could vote. And the enslavement, exploitation, and murder of animals since the Dawn of Time. Each day One Hundred Fifty Million animals are brutally murdered in slaughterhouses. Six million per hour. One hundred thousand while you read these words! And those numbers are expected to increase substantially with the ever-increasing world population. We each try to save those animals we can. We rescue, foster, donate, transport, cross-post. Many of us pray (lot of good that does!). We do what we can. But it is not enough. I have 8 rescue dogs on the ranch. But while I was saving them, millions of calves, lambs, and piglets were killed on purpose. Each of them wanting to live, each as much a being as the dogs that I saved. They were killed by the system in which we live. By our friends, families, neighbors. By their dollars and their indifference. By businessmen and church-goers, by men in suits and men with knives. By capitalists. Most are Republicans, but many are Democrats, too. They are the enemies of life. The enemies of animals. The enemies of people. The scourge of the Earth. Almost all animal cruelty is caused by capitalism. Meat, dairy, eggs, fur, leather, whaling, sealing, rodeos, circuses, hunting, trapping, are all profit-driven industries. Take away the profit and the cruelty ends. No money to be made, no reason to torture and kill. But changing society from one based on capitalism to one based on compassion wont happen for centuries. Animal Rights will be achieved when the Animal Holocaust ends. The Animal Holocaust will end when we have lynched the last Capitalist.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:40:18 +0000

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