Socio-democratic governments support for the European Commission - TopicsExpress


Socio-democratic governments support for the European Commission Juncker Nine heads of state and government of the left support the candidacy of Jean-Claude Juncker, said François Hollande Saturday, after a meeting of the leaders in Paris The candidature of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker (right) is supported by nine Heads of State and Government of the European left, said Saturday the socialist French President Francois Hollande after a meeting of the leaders in Paris . The choice to support a Conservative for President of the Commission should be matched by the Social Democratic nomination to succeed President of the Council, Herman Van Rompuy. Several personalities are mentioned, the Danish seat Thorning-Schmidt, the former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta or the former French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. Obtain the majority of the 28 EU leaders For the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker should be supported by the majority of the 28 EU leaders and rally at least 376 votes on behalf of Parliament. His appointment is part of a package that includes also the Chairman of the Council of Chairmen of the European Parliament and the High Representative for Foreign Policy of the EU. The meeting on Saturday was held in Paris a few days of difficult EU summit scheduled for 26 and 27 June in Brussels. It came after a meeting of anti-Juncker right in Sweden, together with British Prime Minister David Cameron and his Swedish and Dutch counterparts, German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to convince to avoid blocking at the Brussels summit. In Paris, had gathered around François Hollande the Italian leader Matteo Renzi, the German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), Saddle Thorning-Schmidt (Denmark), Victor Ponta Viorel (Romania), Robert Fico (Slovak Republic) Bohuslav Sobotka (Czech Republic), Joseph Muscat (Malta), Werner Faymann (Austria) and Elio Di Rupo (Belgium). The German Martin Schulz, presidential candidate of the Commission and former President of the European Parliament, where he now chairs the Socialist Group, had also joined the meeting. This meeting was to prepare the EU summit that will take decisions on the future direction of Europe and the people who will lead Europe, stated the head of French diplomacy Laurent Fabius. Leftist leaders should also consult their priorities in economic and social matters. The new leftist leaders agreed on the need to use all flexibilities of budgetary stability pact, said François Hollande. According to a European source, the meeting was also intended to curb the young Italian leader Matteo Renzi, whose requirements shine a conservative camp. Mr. Renzi requires a relaxation of the Stability Pact, limiting the fiscal deficit of the States of the EU to 3% of GDP and debt to 60%. He did not want to end up in a situation begging delays at the European Commission. Merkel opposes any change But his request was unacceptable for its European partners, he assured Mr. Van Rompuy during a meeting Tuesday in Rome, according to Italian sources. Only European leaders can change the rules and conditions are not met, he has said. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday, recalling the order Mr. Gabriel, partisan exclude costs incurred by the reforms in the calculation of the deficit, as required by Matteo Renzi. The threat of one rider Mr. Renzi EU summit led to broaden the Elysee Saturdays meeting, turned into informal meeting social-democratic leaders to define a common position.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:57:02 +0000

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