Soft Speaker Part 8. I got another shower and as i was wrapped in - TopicsExpress


Soft Speaker Part 8. I got another shower and as i was wrapped in my towel on my way to my room i tripped and ran right into Reese and fell on top of him.We laid there with his hands on ky hips."are you okay?" he asked breathing heavily.I couldnt speak.I was so nervous and embarasssd since i was in my towel.Then he stretched his head up and kissed me.Except this time,he didnt stop.His tounge slowly slid into my mouth and danced with mine.His one hand was on the back of my head while his other arm was wrapped around my waist pressing me into him harder.He then flipped me so i was underneath him and he kissed me some more and then sofly began to suck on my neck.He kissed me one last time on my lips and then pulled away and smiled at me.We were both breathing pretty heavy.He stood up and then lifted me up."so uh..yeah..sorry about what happened at the pool.." he said.I softly bit my lip and tucked my dripping wet hair behind my ear."well if thats what i get as an apology then everythings going to be alright" i smiled."oh are we flirting now?" he said smiling and raising a brow.I shrugged and realized i was still in my towel."i should go get dressed" "yea,you should.But hey,Im leaving so i guess i will see you around?" he asked.I nodded too.He leaned in,kissed me on my cheek and left.Right after he left my smile got huge and face got hella red.I skipped to my room and put on the outfit i had on earlier and my hair up into a messy bun.Right after that my door opened and it was Beth."hey Soph" "hi Beth" i said applying my eyeliner."do you want to hangout with me and Jacob today? We are going to the amusement park." "welll..i wouldnt want to intrude on you guys.." "what do you mean?" "i dont want to be the third wheel,Beth." i said now switching to my other eye."you wont be,i think Reese is coming but im not sure,he hasnt got back to Jake yet" "Reese?" "yea why,dont like him?" "no i like him!" i said quickly.Beth smiled."haha alright,well pack a bathing suit because theres a water area." "okay" i said as Beth walked out.First Beth says Im her friend,then i attent my first party,then Reese kisses me,now im about to hangout with the three most popular people in my school? What is happening?It HAS to be some sort of dream... WHAT YOU THINK? T.L.G
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:07:32 +0000

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