Soft tissue in dinosaur T-Rex fossils 50+ million years old? How - TopicsExpress


Soft tissue in dinosaur T-Rex fossils 50+ million years old? How can this be? Dr. Mary Schweitzer, states, When you think about it, the laws of chemistry, biology and and everything else we know, say it should be gone, it should be degraded completely. youtube/watch?v=MhN_ZXM_Ycg (~6:30) Derrick Briggs, curator of invertebrate paleontology at the Peabody Museum at Yale University agrees saying, Nobody was imaging that dinosaurs might have had preserved soft tissues... this was totally improbable....We have this clear understanding that part of all biological cycles involves decay. Natures set up to break down that material and recycle it. So, its just improbable that those kinds of very delicate structures would survive, particularly for millions of years. soft tissue in dino fossils-nothing in science can allow this to be millions of years old 60 Minutes - B. Rex Q is 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl. A is Dr. Mary Schweitzer At 9:40 ... Q: So you see this and you think what? A: I didnt want to tell anybody. Q: Youd be ridiculed. Right? A: Yeah. ----- On The Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres By Nicolaus Copernicus Published 1543 Excerpts from the Preface to the Dedication to Pope Paul III ... when I weighed these things in my mind, the scorn which I had to fear on account of the newness and absurdity of my opinion almost drove me to abandon a work already undertaken. ... But my friends made me change my course in spite of my long-continued hesitation and even resistance ... and ... spurred me on by added reproaches into publishing this book and letting come to light a work which I had kept hidden among my things ... for almost four times nine years. ... perhaps Your Holiness will ... be eager to hear from me what came into my mind that in opposition to the general opinion of mathematicians and almost in opposition to common sense I should dare to imagine some movement of the Earth. And so I am unwilling to hide from Your Holiness that nothing except my knowledge that mathematicians have not agreed with one another in their researches moved me to think out a different scheme of drawing up the movements of the spheres of the world. For in the first place mathematicians are so uncertain about the movements of the sun and moon that they can neither demonstrate nor observe the unchanging magnitude of the revolving year. Then in setting up the solar and lunar movements and those of the other five wandering stars, they do not employ the same principles, assumptions, or demonstrations for the revolutions and apparent movements. ... in the process of demonstration which they call “method,” they are found either to have omitted something necessary or to have admitted something foreign which by no means pertains to the matter; and they would by no means have been in this fix, if they had followed sure principles. For if the hypotheses they assumed were not false, everything which followed from the hypotheses would have been verified without fail; and though what I am saying may be obscure right now, nevertheless it will become clearer in the proper place. ... I have no doubt that talented and learned mathematicians will agree with me, if -- as philosophy demands in the first place -- they are willing to give not superficial but profound thought and effort to what I bring forward in this work in demonstrating these things. And in order that the unlearned as well as the learned might see that I was not seeking to flee from the judgment of any man, I preferred to dedicate these results of my nocturnal study to Your Holiness rather than to anyone else; because, even in this remote corner of the earth where I live, you are held to be most eminent both in the dignity of your order and in your love of letters and even of mathematics; hence, by the authority of your judgment you can easily provide a guard against the bites of slanderers, despite the proverb that there is no medicine for the bite of a sycophant. But if perchance there are certain “idle talkers” who take it upon themselves to pronounce judgment, although wholly ignorant of mathematics, and if by shamelessly distorting the sense of some passage in Holy Writ to suit their purpose, they dare to reprehend and to attack my work; they worry me so little that I shall even scorn their judgments as foolhardy. For it is not unknown that Lactantius, otherwise a distinguished writer but hardly a mathematician, speaks in an utterly childish fashion concerning the shape of the Earth when he laughs at those who have affirmed that the Earth has the form of a globe. And so the studious need not be surprised if people like that laugh at us. ... not many years ago under Leo X4 when the Lateran Council was considering the question of reforming the Ecclesiastical Calendar, no decision was reached, for the sole reason that the magnitude of the year and the months and the movements of the sun and moon had not yet been measured with sufficient accuracy. From that time on I gave attention to making more exact observations of these things ... -- End – Galileo’s notes To The Discerning Reader in his introduction to “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems: Ptolemaic and Copernican” are just as interesting along the same lines of illustrating the struggle to overcome human nature’s innate fear of simply announcing the truth, but I will end this here and let you check out Galileo’s introduction on your own.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:00:07 +0000

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