Solar Plexus/Navel Chakra The solar plexus is the 3rd chakra and - TopicsExpress


Solar Plexus/Navel Chakra The solar plexus is the 3rd chakra and is located along the spine in the upper abdomen/stomach area and it is associated with the color yellow. It governs the upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, and stomach. The solar plexus is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self-esteem. Spiritual lessons are about acceptance of your place in the life stream (self-love). Information stored in this chakra – personal power, personality, consciousness of self within the universe (sense of belonging), and knowing. Remember, if this chakra is blocked it can cause some very real problems. So let’s find out if your solar plexus/navel chakra needs to be cleared and balanced….do you lack self-confidence and self-esteem; are you frequently embarrassed by what others think of you; do you feel like a victim; do you suffer from stomach pains and stomach anxiety? Do you have stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion, anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, or colon disease. Wow! Now that is a lot of information and some of it you may relate too. Now, the purpose of information is not to get more stressed but to understand there are things you can do, dear one! CLEAR AND BALANCE SOLAR PLEXUS/NAVEL CHAKRA There is more than one way to clear a block and restore your chakras too their perfect balance. But before I discuss that, I want you to know that some of these blocks have been happening for a long time and sometimes there are many lessons that need to be learned as you release these blocks. Please be open to learning these lessons so that the block does clear. We all have many things to learn this lifetime here. Please, do not get discouraged but embrace these learning lessons as opportunities. Like when a child has to learn to crawl, or walk to do something difficult – there is ALAWAYS a learning curve. Be gentle and patient with yourself! Okay, Okay… we go…. There are many ways to remove blocks…crystals, aromatherapy, foods, color therapy, affirmations etc. • Some crystals that are great for laying on your solar plexus would be citrine, golden calcite and golden topaz • You can also close your eyes and picture your solar plexus becoming clear and yellow and bring. Not all of us can “see” our chakras. As long as your intention is to have your chakra clear and yellow then you are good! • For those of you that have essential oils, you can use fennel, juniper, lemongrass, Harmony, E-R-Gee, Acceptance, Release, and Sacred Mountain. (some of these listed are “blends” made by someone one else). • A great affirmation for this chakra is “I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures”. • An exercise for this chakra would be dancing (do The Twist, hoola hooping, and belling dancing) • Eating granola and grains – pastas, breads, cereal, rice, flax seed, sunflower seeds, etc. • Eating dairy – milk, cheeses, yogurt • Eating spices – ginger, mints (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), Melissa, chamomile, turmeric, cumin, and fennel You can use one or all of these…have fun! Be experimental. What works for you this time, might need a little twist the next time.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:24:21 +0000

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