Solar Roadways – the Sun captured beneath our feet Learning - TopicsExpress


Solar Roadways – the Sun captured beneath our feet Learning this in the time of Leo – sign of the Sun itself. Solar cells collecting energy from the Sun on roadways, parking lots, freeways, hiways, etc. Thursday, August 7, 2014 = Jupiter’s Day Leo – three levels of the Sun, three fires. – the Burning Ground. The tests of the Burning Ground prepare us for the further directions from the Soul. Night Light News is updated this morning (Thursday) nightlightnews It’s the Reappearance of the Christ meditation day, too. Confidence We are preparing w/ confidence (holding the mind steady in Right Thinking) for Sunday’s Leo Solar Festival (at the time of the full moon) = 18 degrees Leo. The Full moon of Sirius & another Super Moon Today Mars (Ray 6) in Scorpio trines Neptune (Ray 6) in Pisces Mars Neptune is what is occurring in the world (Mideast) Ray 6 rules both Mars/Neptune. 6 is the hexagon (Greek ἕξ hex, six). Notice the hexagons on the solar roadways. 6 is Virgo – gestating a new level of reality & of consciousness. 6 has to do with manifestation, bringing into form through Christ (Soul) consciousness (Rays & Initiations). Shamballa is #24. Our Group’s Sun is 24 Libra. Libra is the Gateway – into Shamballa. 6 is the perfected form of Spirit. We try to bring this forth through our school, intentions, aspirations, the building of community & village. 6 is important in our manifestation of the Community, Village, Center of Education for humanity that we will build once the land is given (offered). 6 is land, Virgo (earth the mother). Once the land is given we will move to the 9th house – the house of Education. Mars is the solar plexus – the Mid East is the solar plexus of the Earth. The solar plexus must reorient from downward falling into matter, To lifting upward to the heart - Neptune is Christ & the Soul calling the solar plexus to reorient toward kindness. To uplift to the heart of all that matters. *** New Thinking, New Technology From Ray 5, Concrete & Scientific Knowledge of Ray 5. Anchoring into the Earth from Ray 7 – creating new rhythms, cadences & realities. To build the new culture we must have new thinking. Solar Roadways solarroadways/intro.shtml Everyone has power. No more power shortages, no more roaming power outages, no more need to burn coal (50% of greenhouse gases). Less need for fossil fuels and less dependency upon foreign oil. Much less pollution. Creating a long term advantage: an electric road allows all-electric vehicles to recharge anywhere: rest stops, parking lots, etc. They would then have the same range as a gasoline-powered vehicle. Internal combustion engines would become obsolete. Our dependency on oil would come to an abrupt end. Its time to upgrade our infrastructure - roads and power grid - to the 21st century. Walking in the Sun’s Light…during the time of Leo. With love, Risa
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:56:20 +0000

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