Solemnity of Pentecost 1. The Spirit marvelously 1.1 There are - TopicsExpress


Solemnity of Pentecost 1. The Spirit marvelously 1.1 There are countless lessons offered by the theology of the Holy Spirit. Today we take a look at the wonders that the Spirit works, some of which we discussed in our Catholic context. The result is that our faith becomes a matter of conduct, liturgy and obedience, and may lose espontaenidad, joy and strength of testimony. 1.2 We rely on precious texts of Father Jordi Rivero on the gift of tongues, and Mother Adela Galindo on Don Milagros, both of page. We keep the format proposed by the authors. Two. The Gift of Tongues 2.1 It is called tongues different gifts should be distinguished to avoid confusion: 1 - The miraculous gift of speaking a language that has not been learned by the natural route. This gift was manifested at Pentecost. were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. -Acts 2:4 It is a miraculous gift. St. Augustine teaches that in the beginning of the Church this gift was necessary to quickly communicate the Gospel to all nations, so everyone could receive and further testimony of the divine origin of his doctrine was given. But when the Church and spoke different languages (by natural means) the gift became less necessary. 32 In his treatise on the Gospel of St. John, St. Augustine, Father of the Church, IV century, writes: Today, when the Holy Spirit has been received, no one spoke in the languages of all nations for the Church and speak the languages of all nations and if one is not in it, it does not receive the Holy Spirit. Aquinas in his Summa Thelogia confirms that this miraculous gift of tongues is not as common as it once was. The gift, however, has not disappeared. Among the saints that are exercised: St. Pachomius (IV century), St. Norbert (XII century), San Antonio de Padua (XIII century), San Vicente Ferrer (XIV century), San Bernardino of Siena (XV century) and San Francisco Xavier, the great missionary to the East (XVI century). In each case the gift opened the door to communicate the message of the Lord. In our time there are many testimonies of this gift. For example, priests who, in a time of need, have confessed or predicate in a language unknown. 2 - Prophecy in tongues. It is the gift of utter prophecies in an unintelligible or unknown language for which they are present. These words can be interpreted by someone with the gift of interpretation (either because he knows the language course or a special gift). Then the message edifies the church. If not interpreted, this gift of tongues is directed only to God and not to the community. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; ... To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another various kinds of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. (I Corinthians 12, 8, 10) According to St. Paul these gifts (language and interpretation) are part of the gift of prophecy but cautions that should be subject to the order of the church. They should, for example, several people talk in such languages simultaneously. 3-Praying in tongues or paean. This gift is very different from the above. Through the expressions, with unintelligible sounds, devotion that can not be put into words. It has been compared with the Gregorian chant, when extending the syllables in a beautiful harmony of praise. Unlike the aforementioned gift, such languages may exercise several or many people, just as the song expresses community. While some praise in tongues, others may praise the vernacular words or sing. It is a very simple gift by which the Holy Spirit assists us in prayer, especially in worship. This gift is often expressed in charismatic prayer groups. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. Well we do not know how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep, and he who searches the hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the saints according to God. (Rom 8: 26-27) The gift of tongues is both a form of prayer under the influence of the Holy Spirit and under the control of the will of the subject. God does not violate their freedom, so that the person uses his normal faculties. Thats why the person should pray in tongues using its insight into the timing and the proper way to exercise. You can, for example, you choose to pray in tongues aloud or silently or as a distraction to others. Therefore is not strictly speaking a miracle but a gift that is coupled to the normal capacities of nature. In prayer in tongues intellect is used to formulate the language. The intellect is absorbed in worship. San Agustin Church Father of the fourth century, including the gift of tongues in the singing of Glee: But behold he Himself (God) I suggest you the way you have of singing: no worry about the words, as if they were not able to express what delights God. Sing with joy. This is the song that is pleasing to God, which is done with joy. What does it mean to sing with joy? Realize that we can not express in words what the heart feels. Indeed, those who sing, either in harvest, and at harvest or some other intensive work, start singing with words that express their joy, but then is so great joy that invades it, unable to express words, overlook them and end up in a simple sound of joy. Joy is a sound indicating the inability to express what the heart feels. And this way of singing is best when it comes to the ineffable God. Because if it is ineffable, can not be translated into words. And if you can not translate it into words and, moreover, it is not lawful silent, all they can do is sing with joy. Thus, the heart rejoices speechless and the immense joy is not limited by a few words. Sing with skill and with joy. (S.Agustín Psalm 32, sermon 1, 7-8: CCL 38, 253-354) But this text > Like any gift, languages can be used well or badly. Do not exaggerate or minimize the significance of any gift. Each has its place in Gods plan and should be used only in his service. No gift is proof of holiness. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. I Corinthians 13, 1. We gratefully accept all the gifts of God and use them well. St. Paul says: I thank God that I speak in tongues more than you all - I Corinthians 14:18 Having clarified gratitude for the gift of tongues that it owns, St. Paul writes in the next verse: but the assembly I would rather speak five words with my mind, to instruct others, to 10,000 in language. -I Corinthians 14:19 At meetings of Christians every gift has its place in the order must exist. (Cf. 1 Cor 14, 39-40) The gift of tongues is also a great help in private prayer. Priests and group leaders have a responsibility to teach the proper use of the gifts. Should help overcome doubts and other obstacles as well as warn of the excesses. Similarly, it is not fair to condemn a gift from God because some have misused or misinterpreted. Languages are not a sign for believers San Pablo: Thus, tongues are for a sign not for believers but for unbelievers; instead prophecy, not for unbelievers but for believers. I Corinthians 14, 22 Paul is not suggesting that the gift is not used among believers. Only says not to be a sign between them. And is that some falsely teach that the gift of tongues is a sign of election or holiness or assume that if there is no prayer in tongues is not acting the Holy Spirit. These errors should be condemned. St. Paul exhorts maturity, to fend with gratitude for all the gifts but fascinated with the most visible gifts, but recognize the place of each. The language is inferior to the other gifts and virtues. The gift of tongues, being for the good of the Church, help us to be open to other gifts. But this only happens if the heart is well organized according to sound doctrine. Testimony: The gift of tongues has been a great help to open my heart in prayer. Once properly explained in the context of a community that accepts the gift, tongues are received by many community and increases your praise. In our experience, the gift of tongues, once received, remains as a gift. But often leaves like a gift just for beginners. If the gift is neglected, if you can lose. We tend to be in control and make the prayer groups in discussion groups or shared good things in themselves but should not replace the praise. Three. The Gift of Miracles I. The gift of miracles What is the gift of miracles? It is a temporary manifestation of Gods power through which an obstacle is removed or he is given a chance, specially. To be miracle, this effect has to come from the direct intervention of God in human affairs. It is a means of conversion for some and increased faith to others. What are the events that can be considered miracles? a) An immediate cure of disease severity. b) A complete change of mind or heart of a person. c) The sudden conversion of an enemy of the Church. d) The movement of material objects (for example. they can be found) e) Both the sudden arrival of a person, such as being suddenly removed, making possible the solution of a problem. ** The Church definitely has a lot of caution in deciding whether a miracle has occurred. If its so hard to tell if a miracle has happened, what has the knowledge value of this gift? It is important to know and believe that God works through miracles because well, if He inspires a person (or group) to ask for a miracle, this person (or this group) will be available to cooperate with His inspirations. What purpose are the miracles? There are three purposes: a) Fix a situation that can not be corrected naturally; b) Support and increase the faith of those involved; c) Demonstrate Gods approval to the ministry of preaching. Are apparent miracles in the Charismatic Renewal movement? If. The opening of these groups to prayer and the charismatic gifts is the necessary condition for God to manifest His power. As the gift of miracles is a powerful gift, you can expect more developments in the ministry of miracles to the extent that people grow in spiritual life. If miracles are extraordinary, why St. Pauls included in the list of regular charismatic gifts? There are moments in the life of prayer groups or in the life of an individual, it takes a miracle to get a plan that God wants. Therefore, even a special aid, the need for it arises in each group and in the daily life of individuals. II. Gift of miracles in Scripture Would not the presence of too extraordinary gift of miracles as a regular thing in the Christian life? Miracles were assured, a regular part of the early church and yet the life of the early Christians was an ordinary life. Miracles were extraordinary interventions in view of extraordinary needs. People lived a normal life, but they believed that God would intervene in some situations to save them. What is the attitude of the Old Testament in reference to miracles? Its hard to say which is the attitude. In the Old Testament nature was not considered to be governed by stable laws and there was no word in Hebrew for miracle. Some of the figures of the Old Testament if they had miraculous powers (like Moses and Elijah) but its hard to say what happened. What the Gospels teach about Miracles? The Gospels use the word to indicate power miracles. Also consider that the power of God came into the world in a special way in the person of Christ. What are the texts of the New Testament that testify the power they had the apostles to perform miracles? a) The death of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1 -1 0) b) The miracles of Philip in Samaria (Acts 8: 6) c) The resurrection of Tabitha (Acts 9: 36-43) d) The resurrection of Eutychus (Acts 20: 10) e) The protection of Pablo after being bitten by a snake (Acts 28: 5) III. THE GIFT OF MIRACLES AND OTHER GIFTS CHARISMATIC In what way the gift of miracles gift of healing apart? The gift of miracles covers many situations and their supernatural nature is more obvious. A large and immediate cure would be considered a miracle, while in other healings God acts over a period of time. Like the gift of miracles and the charismatic gift of faith related? They are united in that, through both God raises the power of intercession to a new level. Also, because the charismatic gift of faith is operating in the gift of miracles. They are different in that the gift of miracles has an external, verifiable effect and therefore is an extraordinary sign of the power and protection of God. The gift of faith usually do not need this external sign. Often the same person is not aware of the power in your prayer of faith. How to relate the gift of miracles and the word of wisdom? It can be said that both operating in important or dangerous situations. The word of wisdom is God acting more spiritual or intellectual sense so that people are moved by the power of the word is said. Miracles intervene in situations by the power of God and often without many words say. When will miracles happen? a) There are times when God is willing to work a miracle even for the person who will run. This miracle is attributed to the prayers of others. b) Sometimes when a person is newly converted, God works a miracle as an unforgettable sign for that persons power and faithfulness. But the regular presence of miracles is not normal at the beginning of the spiritual life. What should a person do to predispose this gift? Miracles require an active faith and a love for others that drives the individual to continually pray to God, not to intercede. Also required extreme sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and divine power. IV. GROWTH IN THE GIFT OF MIRACLES Are there conditions that fuel the growth of the gift of miracles? They are the following: a) How many times are the confirmation of Gods word is preached, miracles become more present when the word of God is preached and lived. b) How are supposed to remove the obstacles to the will of God, miracles become more present when the person is fully committed to His Will and the promotion of the Kingdom. c) Miracles are more among people who have matured more in the spiritual life. Is not it a form of growth presumption talk of miracles? Although it may seem so, this assumption is based on: a) The fact that Paul considered miracles as a ministry that is given regularly to the Christian communities. b) These extraordinary charismatic gifts are becoming more abundant in view of the good which results to the Church. In these modern times, it seems that these are more abundant in charismatic communities. V. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF GIFT OF MIRACLES Could we not say that the Age of Miracles and step, now that man has discovered the miraculous medicines and other ways to change human life? No because: a) With the complexity of contemporary life, man is facing major problems today than in previous centuries. b) Even with all his human powers, man is helpless to their difficulties. c) They are the same human powers (nuclear power, etc..) which are the cause of much of the problems of man. What is the correct attitude to the gift of miracles? a) Miracles happen only when human means have failed or are not present. b) The man should not see the miracle as normal, but it should be seen as an extraordinary intervention of Gods love. c) The man should not limit Gods actions with preconceived ideas of what God can not or will not do. d) The individual must fully surrender to God and His Kingdom using all the gifts with discernment, knowing that when obstacles arise, he can look in faith to God for the miracles needed in your favor. Panduro Daniel P. Fregoso, MG June 7, 2014
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:32:50 +0000

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