Solomon Run Dam Removal and Stream Restoration Open House Forum - TopicsExpress


Solomon Run Dam Removal and Stream Restoration Open House Forum St. Martin, Ohio. The Ursulines of Brown County invite community members to attend an open house on Thursday, October 10, 2013, to share information about plans to remove a low-head dam located in Brown County along Solomon Run (a tributary to the East Fork Little Miami River). The open house will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Mongan Academic Building located at 20860 State Route 251, Saint Martin, OH 45118. The Solomon Run low-head dam was originally constructed in the 1930s to provide a reliable source of drinking water for the St. Martin community. Today, the dam is no longer used for that purpose and the Ursulines are committed to restoring the stream to a more natural state. “Low-head dams were constructed all over Ohio and elsewhere years ago for various purposes,” states John Kellis, Executive Director with the Ohio Valley RC&D Council. “We now know these dams have a negative impact on natural stream systems and many communities are opting to remove them,” Kellis adds. Ohio EPA has studied Solomon Run and determined that the low-head dam obstructs the stream’s natural flow, which is harmful to native fish, mussels and other stream species. The dam creates a large, stagnate pool of water upstream and causes an unnatural build-up of sediment behind the structure. The dam also presents a potential public hazard, as those who attempt to boat, fish or play near the dam risk serious injury. After the dam and accumulated sediments are removed, natural channel design will be used to restore the final channel. Natural stream features, such as riffles and pools, will mimic the natural conditions upstream and downstream of the restoration site. The adjacent floodplain and valley zones will be reshaped and planted with native grasses, shrubs and trees. “Upon this project’s completion, Solomon Run will once again be a natural, free flowing stream,” states Kellis. “The Ursulines’ commitment to environmental stewardship will serve as an example to other communities for years to come,” Kellis adds. Funding for the Solomon Run Project is being provided by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program, Section 319 Grants. Ohio EPA awards 319 grants to local organizations/agencies to implement projects designed to restore impaired streams. The Solomon Run Dam Removal Open House Forum is open to the public and all are invited to attend. To learn more about the Solomon Run Project, visit: or call Ohio Valley RC&D Council at 1(800) 628-7722 ext. 3565.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 23:26:54 +0000

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