Soludo quits PDP, joins APGA, says ‘no’ to zoning in - TopicsExpress


Soludo quits PDP, joins APGA, says ‘no’ to zoning in Anambra At last all rumors and postulations about former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Professor Charles Soludo, were put to rest on Wednesday when he officially joined the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), and also resigned from Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). He also maintained that unlike PDP, his former party, APGA constitution has no place for zoning or rotation of the governorship. Soludo, who arrived his Isiofia country home in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State on Wednesday evening, registered at the APGA, Isiofia ward, and was received in a warm embrace of the party faithful. By Soludo’s defection to APGA, the number of gladiators in PDP angling for the gubernatorial ticket of the party for Anambra 2013 election has reduced, thereby making the battle tougher. According to a letter of registration signed by Soludo himself and addressed to PDP National Chairman, Bemanga Tukur, dated July 17, 2013, Soludo said “This is to convey my resignation as a member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) with effect from today. “Let me use this opportunity to thank the party for the opportunity given to me to serve it in some capacities. “This registration is without prejudice to the possibility for future collaboration with the party in any areas of common interest designed to advance the course of nation building. “It is time and no longer a rumor that I have resigned my membership of PDP and right now, I am a fully registered member of APGA. “It has been a long process of taking this decision, it has taken months, equally doing the necessary consultations among my people, which dates back to January 2, 2013 and this is where my people belong. “There is an overwhelming demand by the people of Anambra State for me to remain engaged in the political process and after all the consultations, I come to the conclusion that there is need for that. “Also, there is a peculiar demand from the people for me to run for governorship of the state in November this year to build on what our governor, Mr. Peter Obi, has done already with his predecessor, and I found out that there is need also to take Anambra to a greater height. “We need continuity and consolidation on what Obi and his predecessors had done in the state, so APGA is a party that is a mass movement; it lives in the consciousness of the people.” “APGA is a party our people call their own, it is a party that represents their hopes and aspirations not only in the state, but also in the federation. “I am not joining APGA simply as a vehicle to contest the governorship election this year, I am joining APGA because I want to drink it, exude it and in totality, I agree with the trust, objective and the South East are APGA members at heart. “I shared the ideology of our leader Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu and that led me to playing homage to him the day prayers and gave him his blessings. “If he had been around today, he would not have any form of hesitation to endorse me as the next governor of Anambra State”. Reacting to the zoning of Anambra gubernatorial ticket to the North District Soludo contended that zoning or rotation is not in the constitution of APGA, adding that it cannot hold water. “Well, I am not aware APGA position about zoning, I have read through the constitution, and I did not see anything about zoning. I am not aware about that. “Quite on the contrary, the party that has zoning and rotation in its constitution is the PDP; but I read the constitution from cover to cover and there is zoning. “I understand however the governor’s point and it is an interesting argument. But this is a democracy and I think that the people of Anambra need to discuss about it and the people have to talk about zoning and rotation, and you will say which other zone will come in, and all the political parties must be made to sign the agreement. dailyindependentnig/2013/08/soludo-quits-pdp-joins-apga-says-no-to-zoning-in-anambra/
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:32:31 +0000

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