“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, - TopicsExpress


“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.” Arab-Israeli Fatalities Rank 49th Conflicts since 1950 with over 10,000 Fatalities* 1. 40,000,000 Red China, 1949-76 (outright killing, manmade famine, Gulag) 2. 10,000,000 Soviet Bloc: late Stalinism, 1950-53; post-Stalinism, to 1987 (mostly Gulag) 3. 4,000,000 Ethiopia, 1962-92: Communists, artificial hunger, genocides 4. 3,800,000 Zaire (Congo-Kinshasa): 1967-68; 1977-78; 1992-95; 1998-present 5. 2,800,000 Korean war, 1950-53 6. 1,900,000 Sudan, 1955-72; 1983-2006 (civil wars, genocides) 7. 1,870,000 Cambodia: Khmer Rouge 1975-79; civil war 1978-91 8 1,800,000 Vietnam War, 1954-75 9. 1,800,000 Afghanistan: Soviet and internecine killings, Taliban 1980-2001 10. 1,250,000 West Pakistan massacres in East Pakistan (Bangladesh 1971) 11. 1,100,000 Nigeria, 1966-79 (Biafra); 1993-present 12. 1,100,000 Mozambique, 1964-70 (30,000) + after retreat of Portugal 1976-92 13. 1,000,000 Iran-Iraq-War, 1980-88 14. 900,000 Rwanda genocide, 1994 15. 875,000 Algeria: against France 1954-62 (675,000); between Islamists and the government 1991-2006 (200,000) 16. 850,000 Uganda, 1971-79; 1981-85; 1994-present 17. 650,000 Indonesia: Marxists 1965-66 (450,000); East Timor, Papua, Aceh etc, 1969-present (200,000) 18. 580,000 Angola: war against Portugal 1961-72 (80,000); after Portugal’s retreat (1972-2002) 19. 500,000 Brazil against its Indians, up to 1999 20. 430,000 Vietnam, after the war ended in 1975 (own people; boat refugees) 21. 400,000 Indochina: against France, 1945-54 22. 400,000 Burundi, 1959-present (Tutsi/Hutu) 23. 400,000 Somalia, 1991-present 24. 400,000 North Korea up to 2006 (own people) 25. 300,000 Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, 1980s-1990s 26. 300,000 Iraq, 1970-2003 (Saddam against minorities) 27. 240,000 Columbia, 1946-58; 1964-present 28. 200,000 Yugoslavia, Tito regime, 1944-80 29. 200,000 Guatemala, 1960-96 30. 190,000 Laos, 1975-90 31. 175,000 Serbia against Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, 1991-1999 32. 150,000 Romania, 1949-99 (own people) 33. 150,000 Liberia, 1989-97 34. 140,000 Russia against Chechnya, 1994-present 35. 150,000 Lebanon civil war, 1975-90 36. 140,000 Kuwait War, 1990-91 37. 130,000 Philippines: 1946-54 (10,000); 1972-present (120,000) 38. 130,000 Burma/Myanmar, 1948-present 39. 100,000 North Yemen, 1962-70 40. 100,000 Sierra Leone, 1991-present 41. 100,000 Albania, 1945-91 (own people) 42. 80,000 Iran, 1978-79 (revolution) 43. 75,000 Iraq, 2003-present (domestic) 44. 75,000 El Salvador, 1975-92 45. 70,000 Eritrea against Ethiopia, 1998-2000 46. 68,000 Sri Lanka, 1997-present 47. 60,000 Zimbabwe, 1966-79; 1980-present 48. 60,000 Nicaragua, 1972-91 (Marxists/natives etc,) 49. 51,000 Arab-Israeli conflict 1950-present 50. 50,000 North Vietnam, 1954-75 (own people) 51. 50,000 Tajikistan, 1992-96 (secularists against Islamists) 52. 50,000 Equatorial Guinea, 1969-79 53. 50,000 Peru, 1980-2000 54. 50,000 Guinea, 1958-84 55. 40,000 Chad, 1982-90 56. 30,000 Bulgaria, 1948-89 (own people) 57. 30,000 Rhodesia, 1972-79 58. 30,000 Argentina, 1976-83 (own people) 59. 27,000 Hungary, 1948-89 (own people) 60. 26,000 Kashmir independence, 1989-present 61. 25,000 Jordan government vs. Palestinians, 1970-71 (Black September) 62. 22,000 Poland, 1948-89 (own people) 63. 20,000 Syria, 1982 (against Islamists in Hama) 64. 20,000 Chinese-Vietnamese war, 1979 65. 19,000 Morocco: war against France, 1953-56 (3,000) and in Western Sahara, 1975-present (16,000) 66. 18,000 Congo Republic, 1997-99 67. 10,000 South Yemen, 1986 (civil war)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 00:23:01 +0000

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