Some Biggest Allegations to create Misconception and to create a - TopicsExpress


Some Biggest Allegations to create Misconception and to create a BAD picture of Islam It is a popular trend these days to write anything bad, Hate teachings, wrong practices, fabricated allegations, wrong news without any support and to associate it with ISLAM. People then start abusing ISLAM and Muslims without even trying to know the truth. Some Biggest BASELESS ALLIGATION and Misconceptions are. 1)-JIHAD is Killing of NON MUSLIMS – Jihad is one of the Most misunderstood word by Non-Muslim brothers (all credit goes to Media for manipulating political benefits & to defame Islam) . JIHAD is not a HOLY WAR against NON-MUSLIMS.JIHAD is the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. JIHAD means to become 100% good & spreading Peace, mercy, and forgiveness, Brotherhood & Loving everybody equally without any Hate & to spend life in the most peaceful & loving way without hurting anyone irrespective of the religion. JIHAD is not what Media & USA shows you. 2)-Quran Teaches Hate against NON MUSLIMS – A baseless allegation which does exist in Quran. Quran says “if you kill one innocent human irrespective of religion then you have killed entire Humanity & if u save one innocent Human irrespective of religion then you saves entire Humanity. Quran says “Be loyal to your Motherland, Nation & Die for it if required” Quran says “Keep No Hate against Non-Believers & never force them to follow Islam. Forceful conversion, Hurting, Killing any innocent irrespective of religion is Haram. Quran says to be a good law abiding citizen & love your neighbors. 3)-Kafir – Again Highly misunderstood. Kafir is not an Abuse; it is a Term to define “Those who don’t follow Islam “that’s it. It does not mean to defame or Abuse them. “PEACE& HUMANITY” are the prime teachings of ISLAM. Love, Respect & Help everyone irrespective of religion are the teachings of ISLAM.ALLAH loves peace& Like all those who spread the message of peace. ALLAH likes those who Love, Humanity without any discrimination. 4)–Women are not treated fairly in Islam – In fact Women has the best status & rights in Islam. Highest regards are given to women both religiously & relationship wise. Women enjoys every right and under some conditions have more rights than males under Nikah ,marriage & have rights to get all her requirements, terms & conditions mentioned in NIKAH NAMA to get treated best as per her liking. Women have all rights to voice their concerns. 5) - Men in Islam can have 4-5 wives. – Completely wrong. It is not a Luxury but to give Respect to Widows and needy poor lady. There are conditions like why do you need to have 2nd wife? Intentions?, You are allowed to marry more than 1 wife only if your present wife allows you to marry( that too if it is mentioned in Nikah Nama if Women wants),If you can respect them equally& fairly, If you are financially strong to provide them healthy life. This practice is not visible at least in India, Yes in ARAB SHEIKH’s are rich & have turned the exception into luxury but that is not the teaching of Islam. BAD people are there in every society but they do not represent RELIGION. Let it be Muslims, if they are doing wrong or HARAM activities ,THEY ARE AGAINST ISLAM. 6)- ISLAM religion was started by Prophet(PBUH) & ISLAM was spread through SWORD. Not at all, He was the last messenger sent on Earth to give the message of ALLAH to entire humanity & Quran was revealed by him to Humans. He was a BORN MUSLIM to a MUSLIM family. Islam was on earth since when ADAM & EVE were thrown on Earth (they were the first Humans on EARTH) Since then many messengers were sent to spread the message of ISLAM peacefully to entire world. It is just a fake allegation that ISLAM was spread by using SWORD & people were converted forcefully by Prophet (PBUH) or by other messengers of ISLAM. Forceful Conversion & Hurting Innocents are against the ideology of Islam & it is HARAM. Now Non-Muslims will quote the e.g. of Mughal King AURANGZEB but he was wrong in killing innocents & whatever he had done are NOT ALLOWED IN ISLAM. 7)- Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) married to 6 years old child “AISHA”-HUGE,HUGE misconception among Non-Muslim community. She was 13, mature and completely reached to her maturity and her parents with her approval married to Prophet (PBUH) after her parents insisted to settle down with Prophet (PBUH).He never forced her or her parents. It was entirely a religious Nikah with complete mutual understanding among all. Anti-Islamic groups have spread the fake allegation that she was a child & raped. PURELY WRONG. He lived a very Simple life working even as a labor sometimes. 8)-ISLAM Supports TERRORISM- Quran says “if you kill one innocent human irrespective of religion then you have killed entire Humanity & if u save one innocent Human irrespective of religion then you saves entire Humanity. If any Muslim who is killing innocents irrespective of religion on the name of ISLAM are the enemies of ISLAM because what they are doing is HARAM. Non-muslim brothers proudly says that “All Muslims are not Terrorist but All Terrorist are Muslims”It is widely known that USA is doing his evil Best by Attacking, killing innocent people of Islamic countries to capture Oil rich Natural resources by justifying the killings on the name of World Peace & Giving Democracy or they Spark & Promote Civil war to fix a puppet government & the e.g. of this wicked policy is Libiya,Iraq,Syria,Gaza etc. & if people retaliate then they label them as Terrorist . No doubt some Muslims are actually terrorist due to their own wicked mind & some are victim of Injustice but WRONG IS WRONG, ISLAM HAS NO SPACE FOR INHUMAN PEOPLE. This is also true that Stupid SHIA & SUNNI Muslims are killing each other but as per QURAN there is no such thing called SHIA or SUNNI. They both are justifying their HARAM activities by dragging Islam to get support of stupid’s those who are uneducated & have less / fake knowledge of religion. 9)- There is a SHIV LING/ HINDU GODS MOORTI inside Kaba- This is a Father of all Misconceptions.It happened like Center of EARTH ( KABBA )was First identified by Islam and today scientist has also confirmed that Kabba is the center of Earth.To mark that place ,a stone(sang-e-Asmat) from Heaven was kept there to mark as center point of earth (Kaba).On that Stone Imam,Molana used to stand on that by their feet to give call for NAMAZ(AZAN). MUSLIMS NEVER WORSHIP THAT STONE.We only worship ALLAH & bow down our heads towards Kaba to worship Almighty Allah in the center of earth direction .That stone is not associated with our Worshiping. MUSLIMS ACROSS GLOBE WORSHIP ONLY n ONLY ALLAH. 10)- QURAN / ISLAM is not a religion of Peace – ISLAM is the only UNIQUE Religion which promotes Love, Universal Brotherhood & equality for All. Under Islam there is NO DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS of OONCH-NEECH, JAT, CHOTI JAT-BARI JAT, UNTOUCHABLES etc. Islam teaches mercy, and forgiveness. As per QURAN” if you kill one innocent human irrespective of religion then you have killed entire Humanity & if u save one innocent Human irrespective of religion then you saves entire Humanity”. Islam is the only religion to have ZAKAT system to uplift Poor & needy. It is my request to you all to please Judge the religion by its actual/core teachings not by its followers. Islam is being highly misunderstood because Anti-Islamic groups post anything, manipulated, fabricated, picking half phrases from Quran to make entirely a different meaning of the teachings of Quran. Please always check the source of the news before jumping on any conclusion. 99.9% non-Muslims’source of information is some poor, cheap website run by Anti-Islamic groups where all Hate, Weird practices, Fabricated allegations are clubbed together & reference from HADITH’s or Quran are given (which is also fake & fabricated& half phrases are picked )to project entirely a reverse & opposite picture of Islam & Quran to spread misconceptions about Islam. Those who like to defame ISLAM for no reason, those who take it as their social responsibility to defame & abuse Islam, i request you to please READ THE QURAN TO KNOW THE ISLAM. Thanx. ALI
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 20:48:41 +0000

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