Some CORD folks must stop dreaming that uhurutos political - TopicsExpress


Some CORD folks must stop dreaming that uhurutos political relationship will come to an end by 2017. Before I continue I would like to assure my fellow CORD Lieutenants that money hasnt been poured. Anyway as I was saying, its sad to see how some guys are really investing in thoughts of political scavenging and at the same time calling themselves POLITICAL ADVISORS. Uhuruto were friends and I mean friends from way back in the NYAYO days and its out of that friendship that the duo came together to capture presidency and NOT to hammer Raila as many of you may be tempted to think. In 2002 for your information, Moi knew very well that Rift Valley will vote for uhuru and therefore he only needed votes from other regions to drive his agenda home owning to the fact that intelligence sources had already indicated that Raila being more stronger than Kibaki, will be the flag bearer of the Rainbow Coalition and Kibaki the running mate thus automatically harvesting the Mt. Kenya and Luhya votes by default. Unfortunately, Raila realised that plot and with great humility endorsed Kibaki and Wamalwa thus temporarily suspending Mois ambitions. To bring you back to the main point, Moi opted to use Mudavadi to basket Luhya votes and together with Mt. Kenya/Rift Valley votes plus the usual RIGGING, uhuru would eventually become the president and six months later Mudavadi would step down for Ruto and pocket some millions. Ruto was to however sit in for Gideon Moi who would eventually take up the Presidency after uhuru. Having made this point clear to all of us, the idea that uhuruto came together because of the ICC cases and that they are headed for a break up is not only a stupid one but also the reason why uhuruto will beat Raila again in the next general election if all factors remained constant. Its good to also note that Rutos only enemy in 2007 was Kibaki, NOT uhuru! That aside, I remember having a chat with a friend of mine (a political analyst) immediately after IEBC declared uhuru The President Elect and he informed me that CORDs assumption was that there would be a re-run in which they would squarely nail uhuruto. So in good faith I had to ask this friend of mine this simple question, what if Mutunga rules to the negative? This taught me one thing, dont go into war hoping that your opponent would forget how to operate his firearm. Therefore the same way a sitting Prime Minister and Vice President were technically thrown out of State Service is the same same way a sitting President/Deputy President must be rendered jobless in the Next General Election. Dont complain when they rig, rig also! Dont say Karangi helped them, buy Karangi this time round and use him! Dont say IEBC is corrupt, corrupt it yourself and command it too! Be smarter than them and more merciless than Moi! Lastly, Raila Odinga must fire all these boys around him who only know how to post photos they took with Raila in some hotel/rally for cheap publicity and branding others MOLES yet they cant even mobilize 10 votes for Raila. In fact it is easier to to meet OBAMA than to even exchange ideas with most of these guys who sit around Raila. Most of them are more arrogant than William Ruto, Isaac Ruto and Sossion combined! Thanks to Ababu and Joho, atleast we can still see some light at the end of the tunnel. Having said that much, In the next general election its either Raila Odinga wins or uhuru muigai son of kenyatta looses. But first! Raila must overhaul his cabinet. #PEACE
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:37:39 +0000

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