Some History Facts for Indian audience. 1)Indo Aryan race had - TopicsExpress


Some History Facts for Indian audience. 1)Indo Aryan race had only 2 class,one is the follower of Vedas and other is the follower of upinishads. 2)The follower of Vedas are those who believed that devotion to god is the solution to every problem.whereas Upanishads were those,who followed the Karma to be the supreme.People who followed Vedas believed in sacrifice of certain animals so that they can make their Gods happy,and with the belief that this will prosper their living. whereas Upanishads were those who believed helping human and every living being for the benefit of the society.they did not believe in devotion to god. 3)Aryans is not a race. 4)There are only two Vedas namely rigved and atharvaved,the other two ved writes the same thing as in rigved and atharvaved with some additional points. 5)Rigved has described the origin of universe(cosmonamy) in many different forms. But only purusha sukta is marketed by bhramins.obviously for the sole reason that they were said to be sprung out of the mouth of nobel purusha,and could have been used as a tool to dominate the society. 6)The bhraminic society always believed that they are the most superior beings on the planet and to endorse it they made use of parts of the Vedas and popularized only those which will help them to dominate over others. 7)Around 25 centuries back a noble human namely Gotama the Buddha takes birth. 8)Gotama the Buddha while reaching his divinity realized the scientific nature of Upanishads and believed in it. 9)The follower of Upanishads were always in high majority in entire India, the people realising the scientific nature and the advantages of the holy practice of meditation of vipasshana soon became buddha’s followers.Thus the seed of Buddhism was embarked from Upanishads. 10) Within the span of 100 years entire nation of India became a Buddhist nation.The practice of vipasshana became most popular. 11)The bhramin community got highly enraged with this fact, their status in the society highly degraded.They suffered under this misery for 100’s of years.Hence now their only was the fall of Buddhism. 12)Bhramins do succeed in their intentions partly in some cases,but entire India was just far away from their reach. 13)The places where bhramins were still dominant, but where opposed by kings in those reign paved the way for origin of new class called “shudras”.So Shudras are basically the kshtriyas or the kings.Note that the Indo Aryan class only has 3 classes earlier namely bhraman ,kshatriyas,and the vaishyas. So Bhramins made this new class for their own advantage. Also note that there has been a long fought wars against bhramins and kshtriyas wherein many kshtriyas have even burned bhramins alive. 14)Although bhraman had no 1 to fight against for their supremecy pre Buddha now the situation was totally reverse. 15)Enraged with this fact Bhramans now started doing all sort of trickery and mischief to regain their position. 16) The Rajputs were their first tool to go against Buddhism. They elevated the status of Rajput kings and their sole aim was to fight the Buddhist kings. Rajputs became the first and the most important pawn for the bhramins. 17)Although Rajputs were the kings but they were only for namesake.all the decisioning power was in the hands of bhramans. For it was they who use to order the battle. 18)Bhramans also tried converting people and follower of Buddhism to accept bhraman as the supreme.The tools were like fear of god. But being of scientific attitude these people refused to accept bhraman as their supreme. All those kingdoms who were won by bhramans always had huge chunk of people who never wanted to accept bhraman as their supreme.Thus a new varna was created called as untouchables. so now from 3 varna of indo Aryan race two more varna was added by bhraman namely shudras and the untouchables. 19) But even now the bhraman was just a spec for the entire nation was Buddhist. India at this time did not had any caste and no biasness,nation prospered under this equality. Worlds first university like “Nalanda” came into existence. Foreign scholars used to come to India for further Education.the prosperity of Nalanda was world wide. 20)Till around 8th(approx) there were huge wars amongst bhraman kings and Buddhist kings.But with the invasion of mughals the situation was soon going to reverse. Till now the nation being referred as golden sparrow was soon going to fall prey of foreign invasion. Bhramans and their kings with their cruel intensions now supported the mughuls,the result was India was now invaded the mughals. This was the time when bhraman kings and mughals prospered simultaneously. The moghuls destroyed all the Buddhist places including the stupas and Buddhist shrines. Some Buddhist shrines were converted to tirupati balaji. 21)It was around 12th century Buddhism was completely lost to the nation.Now the muslims and the bhramin kings became the destiny of entire north India. 22) Bhraminism prospered and the new religion was borned called Hinduism. The meaning of a word hindu is a theif. Hindu word is derived by mughals. Bhraman now being under complete control started deviding people into castes.Suddenly there were thousands of caste originated in the nation based on the occupation of people. Although till now India was following equality now it just was devided into castes to favour the bhraminism. 23)The Vedas were declared infallible, the right to education became the private property of bhramins.”purushasukta”(the origin of class from nobel purusha, bhramin from mouth,kshtriya from arms,shudras from feet etc) from rigved was marketed by bhramins as it was believed to be their premier tool to once again dominate the Indian society. 24) Although north India was easy to occupy south India was not as easy for bhramins and their kings. 25)Here bhramins had to devise a different techinique, South Indians were not ready to accept bhraman as supreme,nor did kings in south India were easily disputable. Bhramins hence started marrying the daughters of south Indian kings.this was a a special effort of bhramins to invade the south India. In south India people were not ready to leave their old practices and their deities, hence bhraman introduced the concept of avatars.Thus all the deities in south india became the avatars of bhramin deities. Buddha was now treated as the avatar of Vishnu. The river in south was termed dakshin ganga as a derivative from Ganga(although not physically) By this time the entire nation was speaking tamil but for maintenance of bhraman supremecy Sanskrit was kept alive,as you can remember “purushasukta” is written in Sanskrit. North india now turned to hindi a derivative of Sanskrit,but south india even today people refuse to speak Hindi,even after hindi is termed as the national language. 26)As now Bhraman started marrying daughter of Dravidian kings, they reduced the social status of womens.Even a bhraman women was not allowed for education.the concept of devdasis became very famous. Bhraman used to rape women at their will. They became free from any kind of sin. Sati was brought under practice. 27) Shivaji was a Shudra king.Shivaji always wanted to be raised to the status or kshtriya. All the bhramin at that time refused to do that. Finally a bhatt agreed to convert shivaji to khstriya by a non traditional technique based on “puranas”,but for a hefty sum. But after shivaji his decendents were not given the status of kshtriya.his grandson was also considered as shudra.Soon after the death of shivaji all the power was taken up by bhramans namely the peshwas. 28) Now India being divided It was very easy for british to rule this wide nation,even after being so less in number. Now bhramans started supporting the british,for both of their goal was the same ie to rule India and its people. Bhramans were given special privileges under the british rule. 29)85 percent of Indian population now suffered british and the bhraman raj. Mr Gandhi was a big follower of hindutva, according to him Bhraman and higherer caste raj must have been prevalent even after Indias Independence. These higher caste comprised of only 15% then. But for the good fate of nation the constitution was written by a wise man. He who knew all the above mentioned facts,and then embraced to Buddhism the only religion to Indian origin. 30)Hinduism is not a religion it is only a conglomerate, If 1 has to define it,Anyone who is not a muslim ,not a Christian,not a Buddhist jain or parsi is broadly termed as hindu. 31)Bhramins attacks are still going on,the manusmriti is rapidly being changed to,the new manusmiriti says bhramin is nor a bhramin by birth,but has to be reached through education. Mr Tilak has introduced the Ganesh utsav as a tool for Indians keep believing in the mystic Indian Gods, and hence the importance of priest (bhraman) be continued. 32) There is attack on bodhgaya, suddenly the question of reservation is being raised, constitution has already been amended 100s of times, are all the todays bhraminic attacks although they are all disguised.Todays all problems of Indiaincluding child labour, illiteracy and poverty are actually branched from castism unicef reports.After knowing these facts it becomes justifiable why today OBC which are 61% population of Indias population are returning to their old religion Buddhism as displayed in one of the leading news paper nava kal on front page jan 2013. References: Rigved,Atharvaved,Upanishads,Who were shudras, Untouchables,Decline & fall of Buddhism by Dr Jamnadas,writings by Muir, Dr Ambedkar,Nair.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 06:59:02 +0000

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