Some Jahil People Blaming Salafies By Calling the Word Madkhali - TopicsExpress


Some Jahil People Blaming Salafies By Calling the Word Madkhali Friends The word Madkhali is used in a derogatory sense to frighten people away from the Salafi manhaj - often the Muslim youth who are new to Salafiyyah or interested in it and arent aware of its principles and details - and to bring them closer to the methodology of misguided thinkers like Hassan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Abul Ala Mawdudi, Taqi ud-Din an-Nabahani who were ignorant of the correct Aqeedah and Manhaj due to their preoccupation and fascination with secularist, marxist, communist & leninist thoughts, which they packaged and used to formulate their own ideologies and philosophies to rectify the Ummah... and Also If they really were rectifiers as is claimed then surely they would have began rectifying their own lands first (this is what intelligence would necessitate), lands such as Egypt where the greatest zhulm, Shirk, is rampant. Millions flock to the graves of al-Badawi, Sinjar, Dusuqi (tawaagheet), petitioning them in their graves to fulfil their needs, remove harm and bring about benefit & other such futile acts, and these thinkers did not care to think of preventing this corruption and greatest injustice which goes against the right of Allaah, who alone deserves to be worshipped without any partner. But they only succeeded in reviving the way of the Khawarij (that of mass takfir, revolutions, preoccupation with social justice) which inevitably did not bring about any good or rectification, only bringing destruction with tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of men, women & children being massacred in the revolutions occurring in the various Muslim lands such as in Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya & Syria, which was worth the sacrifice according to the Khariji thereoticians and proponents. Some of the well-known promulgators of this Takfiri Khariji or Bannawi mass-populist sentimentalist ideology (the two strains/faces of the Muslim Brotherhood) in our time: * Muhammad Qutb (brother of Sayyid Qutb) * Muhammad Suroor * Salman Al-Awdah * Safar Al-Hawali * Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaaliq * Abdur-Razzaaq ash-Shayijee * Abul-Hasan al-Maribee * Adnaan Aroor * Usamah bin Laden * Ali at-Timimi * Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajid * Anwar al-Awlaki * Abdullah Faisal * Abu Qatadah * Salaah as-Sawee * Abu Hamza al-Misri * Yusuf al-Qaradawi * Abu Usamah adh-Dhahabi * Yasir Qadhi All of them call to (or defend) innovated beliefs, principles and/or methodologies such as; claiming there is another category of Tawheed called Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah, suggesting that the multiplicity of groups and parties is a good thing, that the Prophets & Messengers came to cause revolutions, that we should mention the good & bad points when criticizing individuals or groups (al-Muwaazanah), or that the science of Jarh wat-Tadeel is not relevant in our times and only applies to narrators of ahadith, mass takfir of muslim nations through terms like Al-Ummah al-Ghaaibah (the Absent Ummah) and the belief that we are all living in Jaahiliyyah (apart from Qutubis that is!), causing commotion and civil strife through rallies and marches, permitting elections & Shurocracy, and so on from the various innovated principles, all devised in order to promote the fikr of Qutb, Banna, Mawdudi & Nabahani to unsuspecting Muslims. --->>> Other words used to confuse & scare people away from the methodology of the Prophets in calling to Allaah (which is the way of wisdom & intellegence) are neo-salafis, saudi salafis, salafiyyah jadeedah and super-salafis. These labels have been erroneously applied to Muslims who are simply following the Quran & Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salafus-Saalih, calling to it & defending that which opposes it. For more DETAILED information check out the following websites: themadkhalis sayyidqutb/ nabahani/ ikhwanis islamagainstextremism/ takfiris manhaj PDFs containing clarifications on a range of issues (based upon knowledge) for the seeker (and hopefully aider) of truth: A Reply to the Doubts of Qutubiyyah on Ascription to the Sunnah and Salafiyyah: salafipublications/sps......
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 07:01:11 +0000

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