Some MOTHMAN possible explanations/theories, requested by Adrian - TopicsExpress


Some MOTHMAN possible explanations/theories, requested by Adrian :) In 1966, Point Pleasant, West Virginia, one amorous young couple encountered something they’ll never forget, something that was literally burned into their retinas (klieg conjunctivitis, medically speaking). What they saw was a a terrifying man-bird hybrid of sorts with glowing red eyes. From there, subsequent reports and all sorts of wild speculation ensued. And with that a need to explain it all. Here are ten common explanations for this otherworldly entity dubbed simply the “Mothman.” 10 Barn Owl One explanation, according to what Agent Mulder might call a “non-believer,” is that the Mothman is nothing that can’t be found in the natural world; in particular, a barn owl. This particular owl does, after all, fit all the Mothman criteria: their wingspan, when fully extended, makes the bird seem larger than it actually is; their eyes (which also appear to be mounted on headless torsos) reflect a distinctly eery red when flashlights or headlights glow upon them; and they emit a kind of screeching sound for which the Mothman is also known. Myth Busted? Read on… 9 Alien About the time the Mothman sightings were being reported in such high volumes (beginning in 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia), also being reported – and as sorted through and cataloged by paranormal researcher John Keel in his book the Mothman Prophecies – were mysterious energy fields, glowing orbs, weird animal behaviors/disappearances technology failures, loss of time, and the “men in black” who would visit the town and make threatening inquisitions, assuming generic pseudonyms like John Brown or Bob Smith. These things are also true of UFO folklore, which led to the connection – at least in people’s minds – that the Mothman may be a kind of alien. But the fault there lies in the lack of a necessary relationship between cause and correlation. 8 “Thunderbird” The Native Americans from the area surrounding Point Pleasant had stories of giant terrible birds called Thunderbirds that could easily swoop down and carry away a man. In their depictions and representative artifacts, the images resembled the Mothman, and thus they were lumped in to the mix, as some kind of continuing story, which opens itself up to claims that sightings of the Mothman may go as far back as the early 1600s. 7 Mutant Bird The Mothman seemed to make its home about a former WWII munitions dump, which also used to be a bird sanctuary. This area, full of all sorts of underground tunnels, is also the site of where the creature was first spotted, by a couple of young lovers (the area is called Lover’s Lane, in how secluded it is). The theory is that amidst all the weird chemicals deposited in the area, a mutant kind of bird was born, and thus the “Mothman.” This also sounds a bit like how the incredible Hulk was born… The bird may have been a strayed Sandhill Crane, a type of bird that stands almost as tall as a man, with a seven-foot wingspan and reddish eye-circles. 6 Angel While the Mothman was visiting Point Pleasant, a series of disasters also (coincidentally?) took place – including the collapse of the Silver Bridge, which resulted in a number of deaths. Also, there were phone-calls author John Keel was receiving in which a mysterious person named Indrid Cold seemed capable of telepathy, and various others which carried premonitions that ended up coming true (a plane crash with the correct number dead). These were invariably grouped in with the Mothman’s stay, and the speculation was that this figure was either predicting these events, or perhaps causing them. After the collapse of the Silver Bridge, the Mothman remained silent, as did reports of strange activity.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 06:15:41 +0000

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