Some Observations of Portugal off the Beaten Track Portuguese - TopicsExpress


Some Observations of Portugal off the Beaten Track Portuguese slang. When you want to say something is cool its fixe pronounced fish The gypsies hold real power here and everyone is afraid of them so i have let it be known i am a gypsy romanchel from America.So far i have no problems. One thing of disturbing note in this society is the brutality of men towards women who are regarded as menial property.Violence is at an all time high and women bear the brunt of physical and mental abuse from the macho latin sickos that hold court as husbands and lovers.I regard Portuguese men mostly with disgust from what i have seen and it is common and accepted for men to have mistresses without any comment.The society here is primitive and feudal almost .The women have not learned to stand together and be courageous except for a few.There is hope things are changing with a new generation .We will see. I tend to be careful where i walk ,dog shit notwithstanding but because of crime here i dont carry my wallet and just have some euros in my pocket. Yup i am not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. My friend has a friend who has a bar in a bad area of town and sometimes the gypsies come in and take over and he has to run away and leave it to them while they drink his profits away.If you go up against a gypsy you will be murdered.That is the way it is. Yesterday we parked to go into the supermarket and the gypsy woman approached us and asked us to buy her a chicken .When we came out an hour later we had to scurry away lest she confront us violently about the chicken.This may also result in bodily harm or at least the destruction of some part of your car. The police here are corrupt,not all but enough.One friend was beaten and hit by her ex in front of a crowd of 200 at a school party at a center and no one helped except one woman who was also hit.The police came and took the statement of the ex only who said he was the one attacked and her statement was never taken .This is the old boys network and a woman is always the victim.No one of course saw anything. I have collected many stories like this of a country and culture in decay .This is what i have found here .I have also found a warmth and generosity and kindness and passion with admittedly mostly women friends that somewhat soothes my other observations about Portugal.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 12:33:20 +0000

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