Some Questions I Need To Address About My Relationship With XANGO - TopicsExpress


Some Questions I Need To Address About My Relationship With XANGO Before The Next Challenge. The next challenge is less than 3 weeks away and I need to address some questions and comments about my relationship with XANGO. I need to set the record straight on a few things because I do not want my integrity tarnished or worse being in question in any way. I don’t want any rumor’s to start so let’s end them before they get started shall we? I will say this first, there is no question that I admire XANGO for what they have achieved over the last ten’s years. They have the DNA to become of one of Direct Selling all-time great companies, however, if they arrive at such lofty position is totally up to them and only time will tell. There are many companies that I admire very much including Mary Kay, AVON, Herbalife. Organo Gold, Traci Lynn Jewelry, Twenty-One Gifts, Shaklee, Tupperware, Natura Cosmeticos, Pampered Chef, NuSkin, Team Beachbody, AMWAY, Youngevity, Send Out Cards, Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company and others. Even though I admire all these companies and others it doesn’t mean I like everything about them. I’ve made this perfectly clear over the years and will continue to do so. Yes. Even if it’s XANGO and I have. Still, there is no refuting what these companies have achieved in Direct Selling. I happen to love Direct Selling and what it can do for ordinary people. Now, about me and XANGO, let’s just get right to it shall we… I will post the questions and comments and then answer them. Keep in mind the majority of this questions and comments are coming from XANGO distributors. 1. Am I a XANGO distributor? If not can I make you a presentation? No I am not a XANGO distributor. I have no formal relationship with XANGO. I have never been a distributor. Make a presentation? I am fully aware of XANGO. No presentation is needed. In my position I cannot personally be a distributor for any company. 2. Why did I use XANGO products during the challenge? I asked many companies if they wanted me to test their products during the 10 week fitness challenge. Only XANGO V. P. Beverly Hollister responded and sent products for me to use. So, that’s what I did. If a different company had asked me to test their product chances are good I would have used theirs. Beverly understood the opportunity I had presented for all companies in Direct Selling. She acted right away. 3. Did XANGO pay me to use them? No. However, as I said they were the only company to send me product so I was obligated to use them during my 10 week challenge. I bet other company’s wished they had sent me products now. 4. Which products will I use during the next challenge? I have no idea. It depends on who ask me to test their products. If only XANGO responds again than that’s what I will use. However, they may not because they probably feel they got what they wanted out of me. An unbiased third party test, a story in Distributor Magazine, pictures, my constant progress updates on Facebook for all to see and that they could point to at any time. All that could be worth millions of dollars to them. 5. Why did you write about using XANGO in your magazine Distributor Magazine? As, I said XANGO sent the products. I was obligated to use them. I told every company that I was going to do a write up in my new magazine about my results. Again, only XANGO sent me product so they were the company who got the write up and all the free press that came with it. If another company wants a write up in the November edition they need to send me the product to test. 6. Have you been interviewed by XANGO? No. 7. Did XANGO take any pictures of you and get your story? No. 8. What did XANGO management say about your result? I have not gotten a formal comment or thank from anyone at XANGO including their management team for testing their products? However, there have been a couple of comments about my results pictures on Facebook. 9. What did your friend and XANGO CEO Aaron Garrity say about your results? Two days before the challenge ended I got a two word email from him that said, “Looking good.” Other than that I have not heard from him. At some point I am confident he will find the time. He’s a very busy man. 10. Am I speaking at the XANGO conference? Now, these questions are coming for XANGO distributors. No. At this point I have not been contacted by XANGO and asked to speak about my results or share what I did at your conference. I have not been asked to speak on any XANGO corporate conference calls about what I did. I have been told however they are sharing my story on their conferences calls to distributors and prospects. If they asked me attend or speak on their calls I would as long as there were no conflicts. I told them this the day challenge ended. 11. This is a comment. You are 54 years old. What you did in 10 weeks at your age is amazing. You can be the new poster “senior” for what is possible for people our age in Direct Selling. You could be a powerful marketing piece for any company if they partnered with you. Poster senior? How about poster child? Yep. It could be a powerful marketing campaign. 12. Wow Keeper amazing! As a 54 black man you represent as whole new marketing opportunity for XANGO in the black community for 40 and over. Has XANGO talked to you about this? No. 13. Are you interested in creating your own products and fitness program? You could make millions. (I’ve been asked this more than once) My answer is this…I’ve got some big goals for me over the next 10 years. I want to help reshape Direct Selling and its image to the world. I want to make a difference to millions. I am open to exploring opportunities as long as they don’t impugn my integrity and destroy people’s confidence in me. The people of Direct Selling must come first. 14. Did you really transform you body like that in 10 weeks only using Direct Selling products? Yes. 10 weeks working hard doing interval training out on average 1 hour a day, plus three light jogging day per week, I adjusting my eating habits and using direct selling products. I didn’t follow the company recommended diet plan because I know most people aren’t going to do that. For me, someone who is constantly on the go, that would have been too restrictive and unrealistic. I needed to treat this like the average person would. I removed process carbs, lowered my fat intake and increased my daily protein intake to fit my body fat goals and I took the Direct Selling products. Make no mistake about it those Direct Selling products were a game changer for me and made huge difference in my ultimate results. I even had a cheat day on Sunday’s. Usually on Sunday night’s during my family’s Family Movie Night at home. I did nothing else. I found so many similarities to this 70 day challenge and building a direct selling business. Hmmmm, I could write a book about couldn’t I? Maybe I will. Okay, that’s it. That should answer most of the questions and put the rumors to bed. For now. See you at “Keeper’s Direct Sellers Get In Shape For Life Fitness Challenge” #2 (Facebook group name) on September 1st. Peace!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 18:30:32 +0000

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