Some Tea Party Victories the Mainstream Media Refuses to - TopicsExpress


Some Tea Party Victories the Mainstream Media Refuses to Cover Dan Bongino. The former Secret Service agent who has risen to the national spotlight espousing Tea Party ideas beat his opponent last night. He didn’t just beat him, he annihilated him 84%- 16%. Try searching for the race and one will find only sparse discussion about the Tea Party victory from the mainstream media. What about Curt Clawson? The Tea Party candidate easily won the House seat for Florida’s 19th District last night in a special election. The media, however, has remained silent. Last night, Tea Party candidate Ken Buck won a four-man primary for his nomination for Colorado’s Fourth District and still, the media has said little about it. Over the past few months, we’ve seen this pattern over and over again. Alex Mooney won in West Virginia, Ben Sasse won in Nebraska and really, the only Tea Party victory that has garnered any real attention in the mainstream media has been the Dave Brat victory over House Majority Leader Eric cantor- and even that was short-lived. The Tea Party has dominated Texas throughout the primaries. Tea Partier John Ratcliffe even defeated incumbent Rep. Ralph Hall, the nation’s most senior Member of Congress- the first time an incumbent Congressman had been defeated in a runoff election since 1996. The struggle to take back the Republican Party is not a sprint, but a marathon fraught with defeats and disappointments, but a continual march down the field. We are not winning 100% of the races, but we are winning a good amount of races and, perhaps even more importantly, we are changing the way Republicans operate.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 02:16:31 +0000

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